Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] new " in BNC.

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1 Because the national curriculum can not be properly taught without new textbooks , we will earmark funds for class and library books .
2 It is also clear that traditional syntheses between science and faith were badly shaken by new conceptions of nature .
3 For if we have no reason to believe that any more of the debts will be paid during the intervals of peace , than have hitherto been : Nay the whole of the Sinking Fund , by such an increased debt , becoming absolutely anticipated , together with numbers of additional oppressive taxes , we have less reason to expect any of the old debts to be discharged , as we go on contracting of new .
4 The total number of schools associated with the various projects is small , and , while even these may not continue to incorporate the new ideas in their user education , they have been sufficiently exposed to new approaches to schools user education to suggest that for them at least and probably for many other schools traditional school library instruction will not be quite the same again .
5 Organisation development ‘ is a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs , attitudes , values and structure of organisations so that they can better adapt to new technologies , markets and challenges and to the dizzying rate of change itself . ’
6 As the year progresses it is hoped that companies will begin to feel confident enough to invest in new production and distribution facilities but the construction of new offices will remain subdued reflecting the stock of vacant buildings which still exist .
7 The boundaries of physics constantly change as new discoveries are made , e.g. the discovery of new fundamental particles .
8 Constraints are not merely contained within new policies themselves .
9 Despite these finds , competition in the modelling business gets tougher every year , and agencies are constantly looking for new talent .
10 As well as spending a great deal of time servicing existing customers we are constantly looking for new opportunities in developing markets around the world .
11 Before the land bridge to North America emerged above the waters once again they had been isolated long enough to evolve as New World monkeys whose modern descendants walk on all fours and many of whom have prehensile tails .
12 It was especially looking for new business in Osaka .
13 Control of the lives of accused prostitutes did not end with the repeal of the Acts ; it was merely transferred to new agencies , often with similar personnel to those who had enforced the Contagious Diseases Acts .
14 He also constantly experimented with new designs , and the Thomas splint for compound fractures of the lower limbs was widely used during World War I , from 1916 , for the transport of stretcher cases from the front to casualty stations , and saved many lives and limbs .
15 ensure that further help is given to developing countries who will greatly benefit from new ‘ ozone friendly ’ technology
16 While everyone puzzles over how these animals first arrived on the Isle of Man , stories of tailless cats being found in such faraway places as Russia , Malaysia , and China all leading to new theories , nobody seems to have considered that the tailless gene might first have occurred on the Isle of Man itself .
17 Their delicacy is indicated by the opening air raid siren of the opening track which suddenly explodes into New Age of Total Warfare .
18 Billiton ( UK ) Ltd 's and the Rank Organisation 's relocation policies note that relocation expenses are only reimbursed to new employees in ‘ exceptional cases ’ .
19 For example in using traditional publishing as a model for electronic publishing , we may fail to encompass innovation , or to address issues and products that only emerge with new technology ( e.g. access to information , data protection , expert systems ) .
20 This does n't necessarily apply to new artists .
21 The reason for the procedure is that the consideration shares issued by the bidder to accepting shareholders are issued for a non-cash consideration ( ie the shares in the target ) and accordingly are not required to be offered to the bidder 's shareholders under the pre-emption provisions of CA 1985 , s89 , because that section only applies to new issues for cash .
22 Loxford Old Rectory was Georgian , built of the same blond stone as the church , and it sat behind grand double gates whose posts were boastfully crowned with new stone eagles .
23 They had been hardest hit by new legislation which required regular testing of the flocks and their compulsory slaughter if salmonella was found .
24 People with progressively severe impairments , due to illness such as multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis , must constantly cope with new problems .
25 And I think that we 're constantly hearing about new people , new systems of working .
26 While tearing out the old central heating and installing new , they had daringly put in new patio windows looking on to the rear garden ( where they had done away with mouldy flowerbeds full of Michaelmas daisies and had built a tiled area complete with ornamental pool and a lion 's head which dripped water into the pool ) , as well as redecorating most of the house in a lighter , more ‘ eighties ’ , way .
27 The best chance of acclimatization occurs with acquisitions of about 2″ in length , which are small enough to adapt to new foods and large enough to survive in tank conditions .
28 Leaving Mr Singh near the Fort , I jumped out and joined the throng of figures , all dressed in new white homespun .
29 We 're constantly working on new ways to excite you !
30 This training video would be useful not only to show to new staff , but it must be admitted , to a lot of heads of homes as well .
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