Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 While five weeks of dry windy weather would suit the farmers , water resources experts want it to keep on raining to top up a desperately low water table .
2 Under the old system , it was possible , if a shortage of any one part occurred , to complete a large number of bodies up to the point at which this particular part was required , and even if the whole of the body shop floor eventually became taken up by partially built bodies , it was still possible to keep the body makers employed in splicing bottom sides and cantrails and fitting the pillars in position alongside the partially erected bodies .
3 France has had seventeen constitutions since 1789 and , as the figure suggests , seems rather to enjoy drawing up new ones .
4 Moreover , most users saw the centres as somewhere to go to get out of the house rather than somewhere to learn .
5 She very rarely got told off and when she did it upset her .
6 They eventually agreed to walk down the driveway and pose for pictures .
7 Hence Dahl argues against Walker that ‘ he insists upon interpreting as if they were normative or deontological certain writings that were mainly if not wholly intended to set out descriptive empirical theories ’ .
8 It all eventually got straightened out , despite the Vadinamian distaste for the unusual , and suspicion of off-worlders .
9 However , the Stuarts eventually got traded in for solid Hanoverian stock , and the latest evidence suggests that the South learned fast .
10 You may be a sign that avoids deep , dark and passionate waters but often what you most fear turns out to be the best thing for you .
11 So far Saatchi and Saatchi has maintained its ability to win new business and remarkably has clung on to its status among advertisers , only recently being voted the best all-round agency .
12 Slowly Georg got out of the van , looked around to make sure there was no-one who knew him , then he walked quickly across to the station restaurant , entered , and hid himself quickly in a booth that had a view of the rails .
13 On the other hand , it does badly need shoring up .
14 Leland Allen , a quantum chemist at Princeton University , believes that Pople has brought elements of standardisation , reliability , a large body of reference calculations , ready availability , and reproducibility ; and most importantly has opened up a second pathway — in addition to experimentation — to chemical truth .
15 Said she wanted somewhere better to bring up her baby . ’
16 Dot in the conservatory watched as Loopy Lil slowly tried to pick up the unsteady tray of china .
17 Crealy Country , which eventually wants to build up a data bank on tortoises , can be contacted on 0395 233200 .
18 L would myself much prefer to wait on just one diner , even if he were a total stranger .
19 They compelled officials to investigate matters they would much prefer to keep out of : all for the administration of a basically unworkable rule .
20 There were paintings stacked at the side of the room — whether finished or not , she did not know — but the thing that was most touching , the thing that stopped her forward momentum was a chair by the lower window , obviously placed to look out over the valley and the distant forest .
21 We 're only limited to go up to forty really are n't we ?
22 And I did so want to dig up a few artichokes this evening .
23 Ian Clarke , a Bank of England executive , and his wife Jacqueline promptly turned back to Surrey so they would be nearer Heathrow and Gatwick airports — and better placed to take off for Australia .
24 The directory will then be made available to students , trainees , and researchers who are better placed to carry out the studies .
25 The division of the YJ Lovell group says the move leaves it better placed to cash in on work it is currently bringing in from South Yorkshire .
26 I believe that Wales is much better placed to ride out the worldwide recession than it has been and I can give the hon. Gentleman this pledge : I and my ministerial colleagues will continue to do everything that we can to attract investment to Wales .
27 This simple but effective method of steam generation eliminates the need for a boiler so helping to cut down the incidence of scaling while also reducing water consumption by up to 80 per cent .
28 Such skeletons from ancestral cupboards can be most welcome — for example , a docile bush form may suddenly want to climb about , change colour , or show some other perverse side of its nature that we find attractive and wish to keep .
29 There were so many journalists covering the Orkney story that they set up a pool system and took it in turns to go in .
30 I noticed that the Barwick men took no chances this time ; as the pole lay in the field it was wired up to an electronic burglar alarm system , but they still took it in turns to sit up and keep an eye on it .
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