Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 However , people have since realised they have been lured into a debt trap aimed at bringing the working class to heel , with unemployment the main weapon .
2 They 've even subpoena 'd Unigram.X little realising we print everything we know .
3 And the thought of Leo actually kissing her properly made her feel positively ill !
4 A FILM studio manageress who claimed her boss said she was ‘ the worst lay I 've ever tried to have ’ was awarded £1,000 yesterday .
5 Perhaps he secretly thinks I belong to the same world .
6 Aperte fro thet he writen has ,
7 So is this was the national War on Want who contact us or the local contact ?
8 ‘ I 'm just interested to know what goes on beneath that hostile little shell you present to the world , Virginia .
9 Well he 's so badly parked you see , he 's got to wait for both traffics to go whereas I could go easily
10 Susan clasped her hands because she was trembling , but the tension in her locked fingers only made her shake the more .
11 of ten , when people talked at her , it only made her feel more isolated and cut off .
12 In many ways the life of a great political hostess was very attractive to her , which only made her feel more guilty , but she knew that she could not tolerate a life of subordination and absolute dependency .
13 The humiliation and jealousy that had surfaced in her did n't abate in the weeks ahead , and the prospect of the friends ' provincial tour together made her behave like a vixen .
14 We can only presume they mean too BUSY
15 A man buys a razor and shaving cream and later returns saying you have only given him change for £5 instead of £10 .
16 Money problems are not the only difficulties facing women whose pregnancy was unexpected and unwanted ; the nausea of morning sickness and later on their appearance can prove traumatising to women , especially schoolgoers who have to put up with constant rumours and whispering .
17 If people try to apply a ‘ turning off the tap ’ strategy when they are hopping up and down in scalding water they may merely make themselves feel worse .
18 She did n't like Mr Evans , no one could , but Nick hating him so much made her dislike him less .
19 It 's only raining I mean
20 The effort of holding it all in made her feel as though she was about to explode .
21 You 'd be lost here I can tell you angel , especially given you do n't know how to get from Shepherd 's Bush to Hammersmith without a police escort .
22 What we can now see is that for the first timefor a very long epriod we have inflation at a ver low level and the clear prospect of growth without inflationary difficulties .
23 But Agatha Christie frequently used two murders , and in her An Autobiography ( another book you ought to read , if only to see what direct , simple writing can do ) she recommends a second killing as giving a useful fillip when there is a danger of a story flagging .
24 She was so insulted you know .
25 We can only stay you know , we 'll be coming on that night .
26 Often such women have been married to strong , protective men who accepted and possibly even fostered their childish and dependent attitudes to everything in life , and when this support is suddenly withdrawn they feel completely lost .
27 Politeness alone made her go back to see the doctor , and listen to her almost stern advice .
28 So d' ya think it 'll be quite good then ?
29 So d' you think you could tip her the wink an' tell her I 've got back early ?
30 So d' you reckon wo n't have any ?
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