Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually entitlement to unemployment benefit ceases and means-tested income support is then the only alternative .
2 One may presume that the standard of living of both these groups was above the national average , and that this could have given them better resistance to disease than their poorer neighbours .
3 Continue down field to stile and road .
4 the right of access : eg entitlement to membership of committees and contact with other ‘ powerful ’ individuals in the organisation ; and
5 Now that he had only hunters to school and exercise and Mrs Geary ( who loved the lads ) to feed him well , no question about his weight , life was kind and easier ; but he was the last to admit it and showed sympathy to nobody , least of all to Nicandra .
6 Electronic communications , and especially computer to computer links , not only give the possibility of extra-efficient operations to TNCs within the network , but also give increasing competitive advantage over those outside .
7 • German scientists ( reports the Daily Telegraph ) have found a way of utilising enzymes to break down nitrates to nitrogen gas .
8 This meant that school-children taking ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ levels were not moved during this crucial time and so disruption to schooling did not present a major problem for parents .
9 Have a sherry before your meal or a glass of wine with it , or a glass of spirits — it s only drinking to excess that leads to problems , including loss of appetite and liver damage .
10 How much does the ordinary household give in cash to charity ?
11 She wore impossibly high heels , yet she was still only eye to eye with Virginia in her bare feet .
12 There are just 18 bedrooms so attention to detail and individual need is a speciality and a warm and friendly welcome from efficient staff is assured .
13 It was said that he had turned down promotion to sergeant , in return for being allowed to play cricket for his county .
14 They were still only man to man , and there was still quietness as soon as they were quiet .
15 Four and six when I went down Nottingham to work , at the box place , Henry 's I got seven and six a week .
16 Out of it came an imperative on women , as well as men , not to be swayed by traditional culture and educational choice into seeing only obstacles to advancement .
17 Social and sexual behaviour is common with much tactile contact by young animals , who stroke one another with their penis or flippers , and may swim together belly to belly or touching flippers — something similar to holding hands .
18 The 3,000 or so subscribers to Mountain will help to bolster High 's circulation figures with the added hope that when the ex- Mountain subscriptions expire , some will renew them with High .
19 The Manager using the system is constantly face to face with data and this increases his knowledge of the company and its personnel .
20 Speech , especially face to face conversation , uses resources ( intonation , pausing , gesture , gaze ) that writing does not permit .
21 As it is , going to Lourdes out of season , in the late autumn or winter , brings one even more starkly face to face with what the Catholic Belloc calls this supernatural place's ' detestable earthly adjuncts ' .
22 the window size or the kitchen size or the bathroom size , they ca n't price things out until such times as they 've sat down face to face with client .
23 From the early summer of 1916 , the growth point of pacifist protest was not resistance to conscription , but the demand for a negotiated peace .
24 Thus COURSE to SUBJECT represents two record types having a one-to-many relationship .
25 Slipper of the Yard objected to some passages in Delano 's book but did not resort to litigation .
26 If you are not sure about the right way to connect something in a mains power supply circuit , do not resort to trial and error .
27 Even in the Petitioners case , where less emphasis is placed upon status , the Court does not resort to treaty arguments and indeed could not do so , for there was no treaty right of petition .
28 Chapels are not improvements to coal houses .
29 Failure to observe the requirements laid down in the byelaws usually leads to a fine whether or not prejudice to health or a nuisance occurs .
30 The stitches are always transferred from back to front , not side to side , so I have never encountered any problem with bias knitting .
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