Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] of state " in BNC.

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1 Do Muoi Chairman Senior Gen. Vo Van Kiet First Vice-Chairman Nguyen Co Thach Vice-Chairman ; Foreign Affairs Senior Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap Vice-Chairman Senior Gen. Dong Sy Nguyen Vice-Chairman Nguyen Khanh Vice-Chairman ; General Secretary of Council of Ministers Tran Duc Luong Vice-Chairman Pham Vam Kai Chairman of State Commission for Planning Doan Duy Thanh Foreign Economic Relations Ho Ngoc Nhuong Director of Office of Council of Ministers Phan Ngoc Tuong Minister in charge of Organization of Council of Ministers Huynh Cong So Chairman of State Inspectorate Maj.-Gen.
2 To this end , it is calling a World Summit for Children to be held at the UN in New York next September , bringing together heads of state for the first time to discuss an important social issue .
3 Roger Tchoungui , hitherto Secretary of State for Finance , headed the new ministry of Stabilization .
4 Joe Clark ( hitherto Secretary of State for External Affairs , and Prime Minister in 1979-80 ) , was persuaded to take on a key role in the ongoing constitutional debate concerning Canada 's future federal structure and the position of Quebec .
5 Abdou Tiousso was named as Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals and Mamame Moussa , hitherto Secretary of State for Defence , was promoted to full ministerial rank as Minister Representative of the Prime Minister .
6 He was replaced as Minister of Education by Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba , hitherto secretary of state for education .
7 José Manuel Durao Barroso , hitherto secretary of state for foreign relations and co-operation , was appointed Foreign Minister on Nov. 6 , replacing Joao de Deus Pinheiro who took up his post as a European Commissioner .
8 Sir Ralph Sadler , for instance , was not only Secretary of State from 1540 to 1543 , he was also Master of the Great Wardrobe from 1543 to 1553 , Keeper of the Hanaper in Chancery from 1535 until his death in 1587 , and notary in Chancery from 1534 .
9 On April 22 K. K. Tewari , hitherto Minister of State for External Affairs , was appointed Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting .
10 Lord Sanderson of Bowden , hitherto Minister of State at the Scottish Office , took over as party chair in Scotland on a full-time basis on Sept. 27 .
11 Shortly afterwards the President announced a reshuffle of DLP posts which included the appointment of Kim Yoon Whan , hitherto Minister of State for Political Affairs , as floor leader of the party within the National Assembly .
12 Bozer , hitherto Minister of State ( and effectively deputy Prime Minister ) , had been appointed Foreign Minister only in February 1990 .
13 In a Cabinet reshuffle announced by President Joseph Momoh on Nov. 28 , 1989 , Tommy Taylor-Morgan , hitherto Minister of State , Trade ( a non-Cabinet post ) , was appointed Finance Minister in place of Hassan Gbassay Kanu .
14 Desmond Fostin , Minister of Communications , Works and Transport , resigned and was replaced by Gregory Avril , hitherto Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture , on Feb. 9 , 1990 , after allegations of corruption within the Ministry .
15 Another non-elected member of the Cabinet , Carl Clarke , was hitherto Minister of State for Finance and Foreign Affairs .
16 The veteran diplomat Boutros Boutros-Ghali , hitherto Minister of State for Foreign Affairs , was promoted to Deputy Prime Minister with the additional portfolios of Foreign Liaison and Minister of State for Emigration and Expatriate Egyptian Affairs .
17 In early October Desmond Leaky , hitherto Minister of State for Agriculture , was appointed to succeed Phillips as Minister without Portfolio in the Prime Minister 's office .
18 President Joao Bernardo Vieira on Dec. 27 appointed Carlos Correia , hitherto Minister of State for Rural Development and Agriculture , to the revived post of Prime Minister ; it had been abolished in 1984 following allegations of a government coup attempt [ see pp. 32899-900 ] .
19 Prime Minister James Mitchell carried out a Cabinet reshuffle in late January , transferring responsibility for foreign affairs from himself to Herbert Young , hitherto Minister for Trade and Tourism , whose Trade portfolio was passed to Jonathan Peters , hitherto Minister of State for Trade and Tourism , who took responsibility for the new Ministry of Trade and Consumer Affairs ; Mitchell also created a new portfolio of Grenadines Affairs , with Stephanie Brown as Junior Minister .
20 Bérégovoy , hitherto Minister of State for Economy , Finance and Budget , replaced Edith Cresson , whom Mitterrand had appointed 10
21 Khudayyir 's position as Foreign Affairs Minister was assumed by Muhammad Said Kazim al-Sahhaf , hitherto Minister of State for Foreign Affairs .
22 He had been forced out by the controversy surrounding a video recording , made public by the opposition , which showed Mladenov ( at the time President of the State Council and thus head of State ) suggesting that tanks be used to crush an anti-government demonstration on Dec. 14 , 1989 [ see p. 37110 ] .
23 Lord St John of Fawsley , chairman of the Royal Fine Art Commission , who , as Norman St John Stevas , was an early ministerial victim of Mrs Thatcher 's purge of the wets , has admonished the Prime Minister by reminding her she is not head of state ; treating her as such , his lordship suggested , would simply arouse public hostility .
24 Is the not Secretary of State continuously presenting a distorted view when he tries to convince the House that the Government are spending more on the national health service ?
25 Despite this level of support , and a direct request from James Baker when he was still secretary of state , Mr Karimov has refused to register Birlik as a political party .
26 Suharto held talks with Nguyen Van Linh , secretary-general of the Communist Party of Vietnam , with Vo Chi Cong , President of the State Council and effectively head of state , and with Do Muoi , Chairman of the Council of Ministers , which focused on prospects for co-operation between the two countries , and on Cambodia , which was also discussed in a meeting between Alatas and his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Co Thach .
27 Under the 1980 Constitution as amended in November 1987 the executive President , who holds office for a six-year term and is eligible for re-election , is both head of state and head of government .
28 A 15-member Revolutionary Command Council for National Salvation ( RCC ) , whose chairman was both head of state and Prime Minister , held power after a June 1989 military coup [ see p. 36728 ; 36805-06 ] , after which the Constitution was suspended and the National Assembly and all political institutions were dissolved .
29 Under the current system the President was both head of state and head of government .
30 The President is both head of state and head of government and appoints a Cabinet .
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