Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 It is also worth pointing out that the ELR can field one of the most representative ranges of ex-Western motive power , as the steam fleet can be supplemented by ex-BR ( WR ) diesel-hydraulics ,
2 The miners ' strike will give us an opportunity to discuss the militarization of the police , one of the most noticeable as well as one of the most controversial trends of recent years .
3 The most controversial elements of the new law were its provisions defining recognizable and legitimate political parties and groups for electoral purposes .
4 The most controversial sections of the Education Reform Act are those which allow secondary schools and primary schools with 300 or more pupils to opt out of local authority control .
5 One of the most controversial areas of intervention by these new-style Labour councils was Equal Opportunities .
6 One of the most controversial areas of GLC activity ( and this was picked up by the Tories in a party political broadcast as early as 1984 ) , was the Gay Teenage Group which had been set up by gay young men in 1976 .
7 The very specimens to which Gould refers so casually in his letter , particularly those which came to be known as ‘ Darwin 's finches ’ , were to spark off one of the most controversial theories of all time .
8 One of the most controversial uses of the power is to prevent demonstrators reaching the scene of the demonstration , a use upheld by the courts in Moss & Others v. McLachlan ( H.C. , 1984 ) .
9 And , what is more , I would have instructed the ministers , as far as the Prime Minister can instruct another minister , to take the decisions in their committees and only bring the really most controversial aspects of particular bills to Cabinet .
10 The duke 's motivation is one of the most controversial aspects of the period .
11 The question of humankind 's origin from the apes was one of the most controversial aspects of Darwin 's theory .
12 One of the most controversial aspects of the 1985 Act was the way in which crucially important services hitherto provided by the GLC and the six ‘ mets ’ were transferred not to elected second-tier authorities but to non-directly elected joint boards .
13 Tax increases were avoided but spending on a wide variety of government programmes was frozen or limited ; one of the most controversial aspects of the budget was the plan to place a two-year freeze on increases in federal transfer payments to provinces for health care and secondary education programmes .
14 Amongst the most controversial aspects of the Bush budget was the proposed $46,600 million reductions in Medicare funding and other entitlement programmes cuts over the next five years .
15 The duke 's motivation is one of the most controversial aspects of the period .
16 Mr. Harrison 's careful and closely argued submissions opened by pointing out what he described as the ‘ commercially absurd consequences of the landlord 's case . ’
17 The RUC was excluded from policy making on security and even most administrative decisions of consequence .
18 Patriotism and religion combined in what must surely be one of the most emotional reactions of the Greeks to the impact of an alien society .
19 Perhaps the most noted examples of this kind of structure are provided by the Henry Mountains in Utah , U S A ( Fig. 5.19 ) .
20 But it is very lately that the truly magnificent taste in gardening has flourished in these northern parts of Europe , for although in King Charles the Second 's reign there was great spirit amongst the nobility and gentry of England for planting and gardening , which spirit was greatly heighten 'd in King William 's reign , during which time most of the large gardens of England were laid out and planted , yet we find the taste at that time extended little farther than to small pieces of box-wood , finish 'd parterres and clipp 'd greens , all of which are now generally banished out of the gardens of the most polite persons of this age , who justly prefer the more extended rural designs of gardens which approach the nearest to nature .
21 The Bushmen have been pushed back from much richer regions into the most inhospitable areas of Africa by other more technologically advanced peoples with whose enmity they still have continually to reckon .
22 Note how blacks are invested with vastly exaggerated powers of social combination whilst the ethnic majority are reduced to minority status — ‘ just our lot from the estate ’ .
23 For centuries one of the most telling criticisms of Nonconformity had been its penchant towards disintegration , what Edmund Burke called ‘ the dissidence of dissent ’ .
24 I suspect that sea kayaking will go the way of inland touring , namely that modifications to design and materials will negate the most telling criticisms of plastic , and then its obvious advantage in durability will vastly outweigh its remaining disadvantages ( except for competitions and long open sea crossings ) .
25 The most telling insights of the election campaign have come not from any of the parties ' hit-men but from that seasoned pro , Sir Robin Day .
26 The MDC was intended to regenerate one of the most depressed parts of a singularly-depressed city region .
27 In fact , comparing columns 6 and 8 of table 8.3 there is seen to be no net flow of manual workers from the six most depressed regions of the country to the four most prosperous ones .
28 This is one of the most absorbing accounts of this tragic masterpiece which I have heard recently , and I would confidently place it among the very best of recorded versions .
29 It is rather those in the most outlying areas of Connaught and Munster ( where Spenser 's estate was situated ) who have grown to be ‘ as very patchcoks as the wild Irish ’ .
30 It is produced from raw beef liver , and once in its dried form is one of the most concentrated forms of food available .
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