Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 It was most odd the way this woman had immediately made her feel as though she had to be conciliating .
2 in the she kept speaking about him as tho , as though he was all , you know , still alright , and that was just so funny the way she said it and I thought I must n't laugh cos that er , i she does n't intend to be funny with it at all !
3 Those palm trees are so funny the way the grow straight up .
4 The Scottish Office will issue a consultation paper on the future of local government next week with Mr Major branding regions like Strathclyde monstrosities at the Tory conference , it 's perhaps clear the way they 're thinking .
5 Erm y'know erm it 's also erm perhaps interesting the way things have er have shifted you know in the last decade or so , like that thing that erm used to be on in the seventies , It Ai n't Half Hot Mum , with um a number of people pretending to be Indians and and exhibiting all the stereotypes y'know it ai n't half racist mum is probably more erm er in fact there was a book called It Ai n't Half Racist Mum that er Leicester University library had er y'know going on about exactly that you know the sort of y'know racism of comedy .
6 I think one of the main points is not so much the way it 's taught but who teaches it .
7 It 's quite hard , you have to be so delicate the way you go in . ’
8 Theda had perforce to let go , for she could not contain the hair now it had sprung in so disorderly a way from its moorings .
9 Overwhelmed by Pamella 's beauty , she remembers what Mark Boxer once said to her : ‘ Darling , you are much better the way you are now ; at 40 even the most beautiful women fall apart . ’
10 As well they might , since ‘ my learned friend and I ’ are cooperating very nicely all the way to the bank . )
11 From there on , the topography is less demanding , the road undulating gently all the way to Monmouth .
12 Why , again , are the planned towns scattered about the country in so haphazard a way , and so different in age and social type — Salisbury 's plan belongs to the thirteenth century ( Fig. 9 , p. 93 ) , Middlesbrough 's to the nineteenth .
13 Though we need not go along all the way with this characteristically provocative view ( and even Keller found ‘ a few playable exceptions ’ ) , I confess to wondering whether this is not one of those issues motivated less by musical need than by the pious opportunism of which we saw so much in the bicentenary year .
14 The foot-traveller shared the driving-board with Garvey , their elbows and heads pressed close together all the way into Horsey , and their voices murmuring .
15 All I 'd need is a few fags to keep me awake and I 'd have my foot down all the way .
16 " Oh no , it goes down all the way and sacrifices itself .
17 Nature : Mondays at 8pm. 2nd , Greenpeace : Has ‘ green fatigue ’ set in , and is this the fault of the message or the messenger ? 9th , Down All the Way : More than one billion dollars is being spent developing the Alps for the coming Winter Olympics , but at what cost to the environment ? 16th , ( last in series ) : In Bangladesh , the lives of thousands of children are blighted by iodine deficiency .
18 And then you tu- you go all the way down all the way down , and then you turn right at Bridge Street .
19 That English tradition of the amateur is of course a long one , and by no means ignoble , reaching back as it does through John Morley to Walter Bagehot , to Burke , to Addison , and so all the way to Philip Sidney and the Renaissance all-round man .
20 So all the way round there are attacks taking place .
21 I find it so depressing the way sane , reasonably intelligent women do n't feel they can go round the corner to get a pint of milk without their mascara .
22 He stopped , it was n't his normal behaviour to speak to the staff in so familiar a way , after all he had his dignity .
23 He seemed far too competent for life to catch him out in so trivial a way .
24 I hate to think of him dead and in so horrid a way . ’
25 Is not that the way for us to gain increasing shares of world markets for the fourth successive year , in contrast with the strike-torn , tax-weary years of decline under Labour ?
26 Of course the thrust of the programme of molecular biology is to extend contemporary physics into biology in just such a way .
27 It has often been asserted that England was favoured in just such a way on the eve of her industrial revolution .
28 Sometimes it is just simple the way a view is expressed ( the technique ) which is disliked ; after all we all identify with some painter 's work yet reject others based on the same theme .
29 The framing on the two end panels is made flush all the way around .
30 ‘ We have taken a step backward , ’ Ryan said — and on this sorry evidence it looks as if it will be backwards all the way when the Test takes place at Cardiff Arms Park on 4 November .
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