Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , I suspect that Mains rather got some enjoyment out of appearing as some grim nemesis of the south .
2 For if you are not exercising aerobically using some form of whole body continuous movement ( brisk walking , jogging , cycling ) for 30 minutes at least three to four times a week , then by definition , you are sedentary .
3 My final point relates to the penalties that will be employed when North sea workers are eventually given some sort of legislative protection against victimisation .
4 He added : " It is a strange world we live in where it is not all right to kill some animals because they are prettier or more intelligent than others . "
5 They moved on to see some fellows working on a lovely Galway hooker raised on sleepers at the waterside , then crossed to a quiet little bar and had some Beamishes .
6 AIRCRAFT OWNERS and Pilots Association ( AOPA ) continue their campaign to save threatened airfields , a campaign that is thankfully enjoying some success .
7 Other behaviours that carry an intensity with them — and thus presumably overstimulate some parts of the brain 's wiring — can produce similar effects , though the synapses involved have yet to be charted .
8 ( a ) If during a break you are not allowed to leave your station and may be called on to perform some duties , you are entitled to be paid for that break .
9 The Cycling Council badly needs some income , and I suggest that we might be given a percentage of the revenue , say 20% , in addition to the initial £75 .
10 Your Transport Policy Committee presumably has some thoughts on rail privatisation which are prevented from being published until the House of Commons Transport Select Committee has published its own evidence .
11 However , since the private person has chosen to deal in commercial goods , ( and presumably has some expertise in relation to the subject matter of the contract ) such exclusion is more likely to be reasonable than if consumer goods were the subject matter of the contract , and hence the transaction were a consumer transaction governed by s 6(2) .
12 As for the class of goods , where commercial goods are concerned the party acquiring them presumably has some expertise in relation to them which gives him the capability to assess their quality or to understand if he needs to call in an expert assessor , so that less protection should be required in this case .
13 A speechless ape presumably has some sort of feeling for the opposition " I " / " Other " , perhaps even for its expanded version " We " / " They " , but the still more grandiose " Natural " / " Supernatural " ( " Man " / " God " ) could only occur within a linguistic frame .
14 Any wood block floor will eventually need some maintenance by being sanded down and resealed .
15 It has slowly dissolved some rocks , especially the limestones .
16 Further tests are under way at Baltimore , in California and at Seattle 's cancer research centre , to see if the treatment can be repeated on other patients , and may eventually include some Aids sufferers who do not have cancers .
17 UI expects a fully-converged ABI to result over time , which will eventually include some form of requirement for a common development environment .
18 He is optimistic enough to see some point in directing , harnessing or tempering the largely commercial forces behind the 100-mile city , but not in ignoring them .
19 Yet the might of the Western war machinery moves swiftly to implement some UN resolutions but not others .
20 He obviously expected some sort of reaction .
21 So , how can you work with your dreams in such a way as to make useful links between your conscious and your unconscious mind , and so gain some benefit in your everyday life ?
22 On another day , Leeds ' performance might have been good enough to claim some reward .
23 In over 20 years on the USPGA Tour his earnings only totalled some $3.5m , with his best year being 1980 with $380,000 .
24 This is a decently boring contest in which Mr Gould will sensibly make some points of principle and Mr Smith will be elected , but already it has been turned into an eisteddfod of exegesis .
25 Digital Equipment Corp executives remark that the Open Software Foundation better make some progress in the coming months stitching up the wounds of the old Unix wars and accommodating itself to new alliances or else it 's going to have a lot of trouble getting funding from its sponsors next year .
26 If you merely mean some sort of intuitive intelligence , then I hope I am psychic .
27 As luck would have it , Sophie had had no arrangement of her own for this evening , and , either forgetting our pact , or not taking my need for it seriously as she knew my activities were , on her terms , so innocent , had dropped in to borrow some coffee .
28 It may be possible to read a listing of a computer program and perhaps make some sense of it but , certainly to many of us who have to use computer programs , they take on a quasi-mystical nature as they are , after all , intangible .
29 You had to satisfy the Traffic Commissioners , that what you are proposing would , would answer the cause , would n't give rise to erm great hardships to the travelling public and erm oh you 're preparing a fare increase about a year before it actually came up to , in front of the Commissioners and then he would erm , perhaps make some alterations or give you a date when you could apply .
30 This was a chance not only to see some sport , but to make some extra money , and many a good profit made on a good deal on the Friday was lost on a poor horse on the Saturday .
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