Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] him [num] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mr Lawler will be upset that I 'm only bringing him eight brace , but I did my best , ’ Maggie said as they pulled away .
2 ‘ Yes , to let Blackbeard know we only charged him fifty per cent for returning it . ’
3 His three-year contract with Wigan only allows him one season abroad and he does not believe Britain 's champion team will permit him to play club football in Australia again .
4 His three-year contract with Wigan only allows him one season abroad and he does not believe Britain 's champion team will permit him to play club football in Australia again .
5 Wigan only allows him one season abroad and he does not believe Britain 's champion team will permit him to play club football in Australia again .
6 Phil 's just landed on it , it 's only cost him fifty quid !
7 He had a charismatic quality about him that had long made him one of Europe 's most eligible bachelors .
8 I only give him one pound twenty .
9 Er it was , and he was only paying him twenty two pound a week at the time .
10 It only takes him twenty five minutes ?
11 But you only pay him fifty percent of his salary .
12 It only took him six years to become a partner after spells in London and New York .
13 I denounced the judges who only gave him two ( out of ten ) for his best wave , but he said , ‘ It was fair .
14 BOBBY GOULDING is no saint — but I 'm glad the disciplinary committee only gave him two matches last night after his trial by TV .
15 That only perhaps left him one alternative — an ultimate alternative which no-one , not even Carnelian , could reasonably expect him to invoke , let alone soon …
16 He meant , among other things , are you living with anyone ? and she knew it , but she cared too much for the day together to tell him one way or the other .
17 A hugely impressive return of eight goals from just 11 games is a true reflection of his amazing turnaround and it has already made him one of the buys of the season , even at that sizeable price tag .
18 Or had she just seen him one day , walking around the suburb where he had been born , and said to him , in that sharp voice she used for all commands : ‘ Marry Me ! ’
19 Although Tibbs warned Benn that he needed the last two rounds , I already had him five rounds up — and so did Eubank .
20 can I just ask him one question about it , erm , I 'm not an accountant and you probably , I 'm sure you know a lot more about accounts than I do , but in fact if you look at the revenue accounts for the year we 're talking about ended August nineteen ninety two at page a hundred and thirty two , do you see that ?
21 When I diffidently approached him one afternoon , he was , as usual , mooning over a photograph of the troublesome Diedre , whom we all knew from the pictures he constantly thrust under our noses to be extremely good-looking , and whom we suspected of being a bit of a girl on the quiet .
22 Her own heart was in such a state of turmoil that she could n't possibly give him one more piece of advice .
23 You 'd still see him three times a week . "
24 Brian and I lost fortunes back and forth between us , but Terry usually came out ahead — I still owe him two hundred dollars .
25 He hit one of the great five irons , too , at the last hole , a shot that still gives him one of those lovely shivers of success whenever he thinks about it .
26 They 'd have probably given him ninety days if he had the right advice . ’
27 From this point on , Flaubert must have known that any full length novel would probably take him five to seven years ; and therefore that most of his back-burner projects would inevitably boil themselves dry in the pot .
28 When he goes inside , he sees the local grocer with a rather oily expression on his face bustling up to offer him one shiny little book containing a liturgy which neither of them understands , and one shabby little book containing corrupt texts of a number of religious lyrics , mostly bad , and in very small print .
29 His latest project ‘ The Duchess of Sutherland ’ , which is a copy of the full size engines and has so far taken him three years to build is just one of the engines which can be seen .
30 ‘ That depends how you mean ‘ thaw ’ , ’ she conceded coolly , ‘ Frankly I would n't trust him one inch .
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