Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] who the " in BNC.

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1 And in that moment , Joseph suddenly knew who the three men were ; only Katherine Lundy 's men would be enquiring after Patrick .
2 You do not know who the rival bidders are , who wants what , or how much they are likely to bid .
3 We do not know who the first organist in the old church were .
4 I do not know who the hon. Gentleman thinks he is speaking for , but I remind him that these people are volunteers and join with the approval of their parents .
5 ‘ Which means , ’ I concluded wearily , ‘ that we do not know who the murderer really is , although we suspect Moodie .
6 The shot was supplied by Chris Baldwin who thinks the observer was Tony Buxton , does not know who the green-fingered pilot was , but knows they both survived .
7 We should shortly know who the new owners of Showerings are and what plans they have for the company .
8 We are not told who the petitioner is .
9 I can not remember who the letter is from .
10 ‘ Of course , it is not known who the kidnappers of Mr McCarthy are , so we are interested to know why you came to the Government of Iran for help . ’
11 It is not known who the Islay Correspondent was but the date line was always at Port Ellen .
12 He did not indicate who the mastermind might be , but police have linked the bombings to groups in Pakistan or Sri Lanka .
13 ‘ And there 's me rambling on and you not knowing who the devil I am , nor me you … ’
14 I had thi yeah I had this long conversation not knowing who the hell he so I said well are you going , I was thinking Kingfisher , so I thought well , I said are you going training tomorrow night ?
15 We can not tell who the members of such a union might be .
16 All day long he insisted that they already knew who the fellow-Communists of his branch had been in the Forties and that he did not want to ‘ crawl through the mud for no purpose ’ .
17 A naturally shy man , who does n't boast about his achievements , and had never previously agreed to any magazine interview , Zarei will not say who the winning runner was , and is reluctant to talk about the times he has put sportsmanship before victory , unless his motives are misinterpreted .
18 I can not imagine who the people were who thought up such fiendish dodges , but they stopped at nothing .
19 ‘ If that was the case , Sir John , we would hang half of Cheapside for adultery and still not discover who the real murderer is . ’
20 When receiving incoming calls for executives or management , always ascertain who the caller is and , if possible , the nature of his or her business , and then check whether the member of staff wishes to accept the call .
21 Perhaps down here in the countryside the people had n't ever known who the enemy was .
22 No matter how long he waited or how often he looked up to see who the latest arrival was , he knew in his heart of hearts it would n't be his son .
23 Although there is an assumption that most of those people are little old ladies who live in the circumstances that I described earlier , I suspect that we do not really know who the beneficiaries will be , but if the Government do not know , they should tell us .
24 ‘ I do n't know who the fuck you are , or this Zam … whatever person is !
25 ‘ I do n't know who the latest one was . ’
26 When she does n't know who the culprit is , she makes a guess at it , and the trouble is she 's often right .
27 At first I did n't know who the bearded man was for ( as I realise now ) I had been too busy participating to see .
28 I do n't know who the Saintes-Maries were , or why there are more than one . "
29 I do n't know who the buyer was .
30 Bridget too had a similar experience : " The other girls had mixed feelings , some of them were happy for me but some thought I was a slag and a tart and that I did n't know who the father was , and they were bitchy towards me when they passed in the corridors . "
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