Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] an [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 He was accepted as a younger brother of the Hull Trinity House in 1749 , eventually becoming an elder brother and three times warden , 1779 , 1785 , and 1792 .
2 The rebels had apparently dropped an earlier insistence that the UN should take over main government ministries until elections .
3 It 's most satisfying to suddenly recognise an easier way of doing something you 've been doing the hard way for ages !
4 But Christianity had so forgotten an earlier period when it was open to discussion and even mockery of its views that it reacted to the modern onslaught with what often amounted to fear and paranoia .
5 What is usually said about the invention of printing is that it greatly expanded an earlier minority culture , and at last made it into a majority culture .
6 When the order came she reached down to help an older woman to her feet and passed her the well-wrapped bundle , then she turned her back on the men and was swallowed by the mass of female prisoners .
7 Some small children are initially very shy and wo n't speak , so asking an older sibling or the parents to prompt can help .
8 Silvio Bedini has commented that ‘ although the invention of the candle timepiece has been traditionally ascribed to Alfred the Great of England , it obviously had an earlier history in the Orient ’ .
9 The realm will better heed an older man to represent the child-king .
10 Having said that , we 're not seeking an higher allocation under I five either er because in general terms , we we do n't feel it 's necessary to make further provision in and around main settlements .
11 Hamilton replaced the objectionable a + ib by the ordered pair ( a , b ) of real numbers ( see Section 4.4. ) , thus duplicating an earlier ( unpublished ) work of Gauss .
12 But women 's right to earn as much as men on the grounds of their economic equality with the men of their community had not prompted an earlier campaign .
13 His action directly contradicted an earlier order from President Leonid Kravchuk of Ukraine .
14 This may mean directly asking an elder for an account of her or his behaviour , and , after discussion with the person , forming a provisional judgement .
15 RUSSIA and Ukraine were on a collision course last night as President Yeltsin signed a decree that would put the Black Sea fleet into Russian hands , directly contradicting an earlier order from President Leonid Kravchuk .
16 RUSSIA and Ukraine were on a collision course last night as President Yeltsin signed a decree that would put the Black Sea fleet into Russian hands , directly contradicting an earlier order from President Leonid Kravchuk .
17 Mr Knapp , general secretary of the Rail , Maritime and Transport Union , visited the marginal seat of York yesterday following an earlier visit to Darlington .
18 The Rousset text of Op.1 no.4 is not quite the same as that of the engraved edition and probably represents an earlier form of the piece .
19 Singers are also exploring an older repertoire , with rewarding results .
20 The Scuttlers , Peaky Blinders and Area Sneaker himself all pre-dated the christening of the Hooligans , and in other towns there were similar gangs — the ‘ Grey Mare Boys ’ from Bradford or the ‘ High Rip ’ gangs of Liverpool — and London also had an earlier tradition of gangs such as the ‘ Tiger Bay ’ , the ‘ Monkeys ’ Parade' gang at Bow , or the ‘ Bowry Boys ’ of Poplar who were already in evidence in the late 1880s .
21 Do n't often see an older man in white white jumpers .
22 The fact that developers will now have an easier start in producing the software should be no bad thing for the market 's progression .
23 This far surpasses an earlier record of 53 m in the Mediterranean , and is close to the transparency of distilled water .
24 It does n't need an easier camera , it needs you
25 ‘ You ca n't get it into some people 's heads that earlier planting risks frost damage and does n't give an earlier display ! ’
26 He founded the National Iranian Resistance Movement , and had narrowly escaped an earlier assassination attempt in July 1980 [ see pp. 30631-32 ] .
27 Phosphorus , usually in the form of superphosphate of lime , directly encourages root development and , because it is essential for respiration and photosynthesis , indirectly promotes an earlier véraison or ripening of the grapes .
28 Here , in China , people talk with horror of children playing games we happily permit in the West : teasing and even hitting an older relative , for example , to see them pretend pain and fear .
29 As a lyric celebration of the coming of spring , " Diffugere nives " very closely resembles an earlier poem , " " , the fourth ode of the first book ; resembles it in theme , in imagery , in turns of phrase , even in prosody , for the two poems are the only two examples of Archilochean metre in the Odes .
30 Yet Katherine trusted her , as she had never trusted an older woman before .
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