Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] been [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the subject of batsmen and short-pitched bowling ; none apparently has been game enough to demand a fuller length , especially as this involves addressing such request to the likes of Denzil , Balfour or Elconn .
2 This forms the real test of the success of the project : up to that point all has been analysis , estimate and hope .
3 This forms the real test of the success of the project : up to that point all has been analysis , estimate and hope .
4 Cubby has been associated with the Dundee Club for over 30 years , and for the past 15 years or so has been football representative on the Regional Committee of the Sports Association/Staff Club .
5 Natch if the operation had gotten the go-code , that List would only have been part of it .
6 They can only have been insignia marking the lady 's status as a royal consort .
7 erm potentially , in a rich soil , in a wide range of erm crops , of course , coffee , cotton , tea , especially have been export earners in the past , but also they produce sugar and erm basic foodstuffs .
8 if it existed , would also have been a causal circumstance for c , and , we might add , would not have been part of a causal sequence including cc .
9 In the morning she wondered if her inspection of the villa 's water-works might not have been part of a dream and looked carefully to confirm that the letter to Signora Kettering was still in her handbag .
10 This would not have been part of the usual flight to Los Angeles .
11 ‘ I had too much respect for Yule Craig and would not have been part of anything that let him down .
12 ‘ You 'll do for me , I 've always voted Labour , ’ said the fan , who may or may not have been colour blind .
13 It may not have been love at first sight — winged ears and gangly legs have limited appeal — but their relationship was meant to be
14 Dinosaurs could not have been moribund because they were still diversifying into new orders .
15 Not only is there no suggestion in the biographical sources or in documents that Fahreddin Acemi ever held a kadilik , but there is also positive evidence that for long periods in his Muftilik he could not have been kadi of Edirne , at least , since someone else was .
16 We should have realized at the time that in the emergency of AD 196 there would not have been time to build walls round town defences .
17 Between then and now there would not have been time for Newley to drive down to Miller 's End , walk to the gazebo , get himself killed and become as cold as he was .
18 Yet , in the model described above , there would not have been time since the big bang for light to get from one distant region to another , even though the regions were close together in the early universe .
19 Altogether I probably interviewed about five hundred persons ( members , parents , deprogrammers , anti-cultists , media etc ) , but not all these interviews were conducted in a systematic way — that is to say , they were with people with whom I happened to make contact , and may not have been representative of the Unification population as a whole .
20 ‘ Without your action there would not have been blood , Coptic blood , on the streets . ’
21 It may just have been coincidence , but since the A1GSM went in , I have had no trouble at all with fish ailments .
22 The colourless liquid in the glass she carried might just have been water , perhaps ; but whatever it was she seemed unwontedly sober .
23 But it might just have been anxiety .
24 Then he had realised that the originator of the plot could just as easily have been Burun — intending all the time that it should fail — achieving at a stroke the removal of effective opposition , placing Artai in debt to the Merkuts for the security of his throne .
25 No donor 's name is even hinted at but it could easily have been Lance Henly .
26 Polston 's goal grabbed the headlines but it could so easily have been Villa 's Garry Parker who was the hero of the night .
27 There was the dark-eyed , slant-featured look of the ancient lost Royal Houses of Ireland in several of them , the glossy hair that might easily have been fur in others .
28 Rosa often went to the washplace with Sabina to help her and she was glad that she could pull her blue cotton dress out of the basket and slosh it into the water before anyone else could examine it for stains ; not that the stain spoke openly of its origins ; it could easily have been milk , thought Rosa .
29 It surprised me but it could easily have been tiredness from being out so long .
30 This Mr Deputy Speaker , could easily have been accommodation had the bill been brought to the house just seven weeks earlier than it actually was brought to the house , seven weeks were n't the problem .
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