Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] off [art] " in BNC.

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1 It would be misleading therefore , effectively to write off the outer circle of kin as significant sources of support in British society .
2 One girl wanted to cover him in whipped cream and honey and then slowly lick off every bit .
3 In the early 1970s , industry observers thought that IBM was strong enough to shake off the challenge from Japan .
4 TWO YOUTHS miraculously escaped injury last night when the car they were travelling in crashed off a busy road and into a subway .
5 But just before this happens , while the taste of melancholy on his tongue is strong enough to set off the sweetness of the place , and of his freedom to enjoy it , but not yet strong enough to overpower it , he sees the woman who is gazing at him from the balustrade of a terrace looking down on the street .
6 Gordon Ellis of the Vectis Flyers , Isle of Wight , uses marker pens to apply his Dragon decor , though not always enough to ward off the evil intent of competitors !
7 Better carry off an embarrassing situation with as much panache as she could muster .
8 This would nicely round off a particularly satisfying day of sustained high level fell walking .
9 There may have been a breakdown in communication ; the taxi for day care did not call , the officer in charge was abrupt , the meal unsuitable ; these are matters not hard to put right , but unless sorted out quickly , enough to put off an elderly person perhaps reluctant to face a change of routine or the challenge of meeting new people .
10 ‘ If students are going to be landed with a debt at the end of three years , they are going to choose vocational courses so that they can be certain of getting a job when they graduate and so pay off the loan . ’
11 Doctors who are known to carry out abortions merely pay off the necessary authorities and are rarely persecuted .
12 The blue top and bottom trims not only set off the looks of the tank , but also obviate the need for a layer of polystyrene under the tank .
13 As it happened , it was the enemy who opened fire first , the leading ship suddenly letting off a ragged salvo from its starboard guns , in flame and smoke , as demonstration and warning presumably .
14 To finish in style , we spent a luxurious four days in Palm Springs — lying by the pool — in temperatures of 120C , just enough to finish off the tan .
15 I remained in it only to pay off the debts left by our now failed business and needed every penny I could get .
16 He finished in great style but was just nosed out in a three-way photo , and is improving sufficiently to shrug off an extra four pounds from the handicapper .
17 Better to eat off an orange box and get pleasure from a plant than to spend the money on a cheap and nasty table which is going to be an unsatisfactory stopgap Save money and effort right at the start by sorting out priorities — which should include enjoying the room you live in — and try not to stray too far from your original objectives .
18 To take a swab , net the affected fish into a bowl , take a plastic coverglass and gently scrape off a small amount of mucus .
19 Crew members and BA union representatives last night claimed Flight 149 carrying 367 passengers to Kuala Lumpur was a ‘ Trojan Horse ’ sent in to drop off an SAS squad behind enemy lines .
20 He 'd better pull off a biggie . "
21 In the final sad years of the S&D , it vividly shows how the Western Region inexorably killed off the line and how Norman and his station staff were at the forefront of the fight to save the route .
22 A cropped and fitted jacket nips in to show off a neat waist and looks trim with a long line skirt .
23 Jennie on the other hand was thrilled when the Girls announced wedding plans and there was always a warm welcome from her when they dropped in to show off a baby .
24 I 'm not saying I chose an affair expressly to ward off the 30th birthday blues , but my age and stage contributed more than mere chance .
25 well was it the diameter divided by the circumference or was it the other way round , and you right them on paper and C over D , D over C , does n't look any different , and you get locked into the problem and you just back off a bit and think of something real , like when you measured it
26 He must sit upright at a table to eat his meals : he can not eat off a tray sitting in bed or an easy chair .
27 Charles took longer to shake off the shrouds .
28 ‘ Even if I just get one of my feet in the wrong position it really messes me about and it 's easy for that foot to just flick off the peg . ’
29 Unfortunately for our timing one of the hosts suddenly said , ‘ I 'm sure you do n't want any coffee , Prime Minister , you 've just come off the plane .
30 ‘ I 've just come off the Isle of Man boat . ’
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