Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] in [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The food at the hotel is mostly flown in from Vienna , so staying at Fudauri is Georgian extra-extra luxury .
2 Walking the floor to prove to yourself it was not rising to crush your bed as the walls slowly gathered in towards you and the ceiling lowered itself steadily downwards until it was an inch above your face .
3 SHe had eventually given in to a desire to seek Tammuz out , even though SHe already recognised the signs which meant he wanted to be left alone .
4 He tried re-dialling two or three times , but either it was a long conversation or he could n't time it right to slip in between calls .
5 Then a Leed rang up saying that he was there and that the particular aviatical chant in question had been initially struck up by the away end , and only joined in by a shameful minority ( ahem ) of Leeds fans .
6 By Saturday they had both recovered sufficiently to fall in with the rest of the company for pay parade , waiting in a long queue to collect five shillings each from the paymaster .
7 I wanted to be accepted by those around me , and so joined in with their stories of soldiering , sex and drinking prowess .
8 If you go rushing in and you 're in a thirty and you 're doing forty five they 'll all rush in with you .
9 Only got in for a few minutes as half the church was there .
10 Treleaven , from Hayling , only got in as a last-minute replacement when Michael Welch , on EGU duty in Spain , crushed his thumb in a door and had to scratch from the Salver and Sunday 's Hampshire Hog at North Hants , where he should have been defending .
11 I mean given that you 've got a , oh I do n't know , a pound you 're going to spend a week in gambling entertainment , if I could put it that way , you 'd do better to go in for the pools , because if you did have a win you might have a big one , than to put it on a horse — am I right ?
12 It is n't a half term just pain , mainly now to go through the options and choose it but if you were perhaps bring in as you co , I 've got written down your careers officer
13 Gon na see how , per haps perhaps fits in with the other erm bits , so who 's starting off , you 're starting off are n't you ?
14 Anyway , it was a good job we did because these erm these grouse and these chickens , I mean , they were so blended in with the the , the roadside you could hardly see them , and then they moved .
15 We are concerned in fact that er the western nations did n't rather deplore earlier er Hussein 's actions against his own people using chemical weapons , and we think it 's a shame for us that we 've only come in at this point , and we must come in carefully I think .
16 They had all squeezed in behind the driver for the run to Canterbury , where there was a Jaguar agent .
17 It 's possible she may have developed ideas which … do n't necessarily tie in with mine . ’
18 Oliver was gently carried in to a bed , and received more care and kindness than he had ever had in his life .
19 Now , obviously I 'm not going to talk about profits from the T V division just now , because Thames only came in at the half year , and we 're not including any profits from B Sky B in the half year , but it 's likely that we 'll take some de-loan stock interest in at the year end .
20 ‘ I only came in on the red , raw minute , ’ she said , ‘ so you 'll excuse me , madam . ’
21 When Ceauŝescu personally came in on the act they faked a car accident and tricked up a couple of bodies for the Securitate to send back to England .
22 Yeah I only put in for three thousand , he got me a nine .
23 And then there was the attempt not to issue a questionnaire to every household but to reserve the questionnaires in the Town Hall for four week days Saturdays to will honour the people who did n't actually have Friday who were at home perhaps walk in to the City Centre you might be able to pick one of these up and then there was the problem distrib in distributing the questionnaire because despite of the assurance given to the consultants they were nevertheless distributed amongst the numerous St Albans and believe you me even those likely people who did go to the press do sometimes for every that we having suddenly fully congressed to see whether perhaps there might be a consultation questionnaire lurking within it .
24 If she economized , and perhaps moved in with William , she could probably last for longer .
25 I just avoided the boys in the town for a while , only going in with my father or at times when I knew they would be in school .
26 They both jumped when , with a loud crash , a two-storey house suddenly caved in on itself .
27 The main method used was that of interval harmony , which is adaptable enough to fit in with most serial situations .
28 You 'd do better to buy in from outside .
29 I knew she had psychic gifts , but I could not work out how she was so clued in to this film .
30 This column shows whether this module is available immediately on line ( ON LINE ) or only exists in off line storage ( OFFLINE ) .
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