Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] down [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now come on sit down Dawn for Christ sake .
2 But commercial printing and typesetting , which , admittedly , comprise only about 2 per cent of turnover , were described as reflecting the weakness of the UK 's printing industry and the overcapacity which continued relentlessly to drive down prices , often below break-even point .
3 He reduces it to this petty party political level and then he makes excuses for all the lowest-performing local authorities , which are Labour-controlled , and resists any idea that we should address the teaching methods that have so badly let down children in Newham , Bradford and all the other areas in the bottom 20 , almost all of which are Labour controlled .
4 In the aggregate , however , the community can not reduce its bond holdings and the attempt to do so only drives down bond prices and , therefore , leads to an increase in interest rates .
5 Mr Dance gives us many of the man 's essential qualities : his psychological dependence on his mother , his solitariness ( he is constantly placed down front gazing over the audience 's heads ) , his antique , tribal valour .
6 He 's perhaps walking down town looking for us .
7 The ANC favours the much watered down form of regional government .
8 Spenser 's A View of the Present State of Ireland was written during 1596 but because it advocated far more severe measures than Elizabeth 's government would tolerate it was not allowed to be published until 1633 when it appeared in a somewhat watered down version edited by Sir James Ware .
9 Nobody helped her beyond the poor sad girl at the library to whom she was kind and who now bounded about the romantic fiction section for her , feverishly pulling down titles she thought Kitty would like .
10 The trained bands , which were under the control of the Tory-Anglican lieutenancy , and which during the Exclusion Crisis had been efficient in suppressing the activities of Whig and Nonconformist crowds , refused to act against the crowds who gathered to prevent people from attending the mass , believing that since the professed purpose was " only pulling down Popery " , they could not " in conscience hinder " .
11 As we stumble in , Mad Richard from Verve is inadvertently pulling down chunks of the ceiling .
12 But it was only ten P so get down mate .
13 SERVICEMEN and women are seldom in the same place long enough to put down roots and buy their own home .
14 Avoiding artificial lighting and air conditioning was seen to be important in reducing the use of electricity , not only to keep down running costs but also for wider , environmental reasons .
15 And the reindeer fair flew down Artisan View
16 In the last quarter of the eighteenth century British population hit the critical rate of growth squarely in the middle , slow enough to maintain , or even slightly improve real wages and yet to encourage labour saving innovation , fast enough to keep down labour costs and yet to expand aggregate demand for food and mass consumer goods .
17 So far as terminals are concerned , the trend of the 1980s has been overwhelmingly towards the setting up of private distribution depots , so running down BR 's own facilities .
18 Speaking of exploitation , students of the genre might care to consider Trapper County War ( Guild ) , an archetypal example of the backwoods nightmare , set in one of those supposed hillbilly communities where the locals , when not spitting out tobacco or imprecations , are banding together to hunt down interlopers and blast them to bits .
19 From the little I saw of the game Ipswich seemed quite content with standing inside their own penalty box and only closing down people when they got within 2 yards of it .
20 Composition , is after all , only laid down improvisation . ’
21 Her heart going like a trip-hammer , Fabia fought valiantly to hold down panic .
22 Pedigree long-haired cats , for example , have excessively lengthy guard hairs , measuring up to 5 inches , and greatly elongated down hairs , but no awn hairs .
23 In its own extremely pared down way .
24 Is it serious enough to bring down John Major in the way the Poll Tax brought down Margaret Thatcher ?
25 Lindsey reckons that he is the most shot down pilot in the world , after all , until the appearance on the UK airshow circuit of Spanish-built Messerschmitt ‘ 109s ’ ( Ha 1112MIL Buchons ) in 1988 , Lindsey had the only German ‘ fighter ’ available .
26 The metro turned into the Lakes Estate and eventually drove down Melfoot Avenue where it reached a dead end .
27 It induces euphoria , numbs concentration and generally slows down reactions , increasing the likelihood of a bumpy return to earth .
28 It took them until the 100th minute of an enthralling Rumbelows Cup semi-final second leg to finally break down Spurs ' gallant resistance as former Cobh Ramblers player Keane met Gary Crosby 's corner to beat Erik Thorstvedt with a thumping header .
29 Having already turned down Fields 's first licence application in December 1983 , Raymond Colegate , the CAA 's commercial director and the chairman of the licensing panel , was ‘ deeply sceptical ’ of Fields 's ability to get the project airborne .
30 I know it 's daft , she said should 've gone Christmas week and I said I 'm not going down Christmas week so I went the week before .
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