Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] not by " in BNC.

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1 These differences are better explained not by that kind of analogy , but by a recognition of the complex history of the text within the history of an ancient tribe — a history that is sometimes romanticized , sometimes idealized , and in which past and present are sometimes confusingly mixed .
2 In my own university , for instance , the number of first year students of biology that we have been able to accept this year has been entirely constrained not by the quality of our applicants but the physical size of our teaching laboratories .
3 And it was as she hesitated , thinking of Liam , touched as so often , and usually at the wrong moment , by the silence and sadness of him which so troubled her , wondering if a sugar stick would lighten it , that she felt herself suddenly surrounded not by the usual ebb and flow of the market day crowd but by something much more purposeful .
4 The next time lesbians and gays are involved in any attempt to effect major change , we will be better served not by fitting on to the agenda of others , but by organizing independently and making alliances with other groups seeking progressive , structural , social changes .
5 Among all ants , of course , the young are normally fed not by parents but by workers , so it is workers that any would-be cuckoo must fool or manipulate .
6 We believe that this is best achieved not by making people poorer or less free but by building true environmental costs into the market so as to reward those who conserve and penalise those who pollute .
7 We have already established that conflict is best handled not by clever lips for healthy friendships , but by self-understanding , well-practised interpersonal skills for listening and the resolving of differences , and the careful application of God 's principles for the specific areas of life and experience in which we find ourselves .
8 Benoit Mandelbrot 's central idea presented here in a revised and expanded version of an essay first published in English five years ago , is that many of Nature 's forms have irregularities so extreme that they are best described not by the one-dimensional curves and two-dimensional surfaces of conventional geometry but as intermediate shapes ( ’ fractals ’ ) whose dimensionality need not be a whole number .
9 The UN said that a Japanese volunteer in Cambodia was probably killed not by the Khmers Rouges , as had been thought , but by somebody disgruntled at not getting a job .
10 There were exceptions , notably in two Francophone countries which were originally colonized not by France but by Germany .
11 ‘ DURING the long cold-war period , ’ Warren Christopher , America 's secretary of state , said on May 20th , ‘ policies toward Africa were often determined not by how they affected Africa , but by what advantage they brought to Washington or Moscow . ’
12 It is evident from this quotation that the grammarians were mainly motivated not by considerations of linguistic naturalness or logic ( for example , the clash of singular and plural implicit in the use of they ; and as Bodine points out , why in any case is number concord more important than gender concord ? ) but quite explicitly by sexism .
13 But in practice the pretrial process was often conducted not by an examining magistrate but by the prosecutor or the police .
14 Agriculture is here represented not by the glamorous ( and faintly mythical ) yeoman but by the workaday husbandman , or small peasant farmer , counterpart of the craftsman .
15 There was a positive side to Allied policy , with the attempt to ‘ re-educate ’ Germans towards democratic values , but faith in Nazi ideology was arguably destroyed not by re-education but by Hitler 's suicide , defeat and the problems which followed .
16 Even so , the grip of liberal ideas upon the law of contract is weakening , because , as I have tried to show , the legal doctrine is ultimately shaped not by fidelity to liberal precepts but by a particular scheme of distributive justice and a vision of the legitimate market order .
17 But we do not have to follow him further , to the view that authentic Producers ' Co-operation is to be found in factories owned and ultimately controlled not by the men and women working in them , but by the members of the Consumers ' Co-operatives whose capital built and equipped the factories , and employed labour to work in them .
18 The adjective beautiful , for example , denotes a quality which can be found in many different objects and therefore does not by itself indicate the nature of that about which it is said .
19 ‘ Formalist ’ was in fact a misnomer for this theoretical enterprise and the term was actually coined not by the group but by their opponents .
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