Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] he [art] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , he was still developing the characteristics that would eventually make him a character actor .
2 Adjuring Theda , in the prettiest way , to wait for her here , Miss Merchiston then escorted Mr Quatt to the front door , presumably bidding him a fond farewell in the sickeningly sugary tone she had chosen to adopt towards him .
3 Natural aptitude and a career in radio , film and television had helped him become an outstanding communicator — a strength chat not only made him a formidable campaigner , but also equipped him for the business of government in the television age .
4 The couple were taken to police headquarters for questioning where they admitted they had picked up a man on the night of 10 July by the harbour but did not know him and had only given him a lift into town .
5 I thought it was very unfortunate that Catherine had only given him a daughter , not a son .
6 Yes , but I 've , I 've only given him a lump figure you see .
7 Jacqui had only given him the Christian name .
8 After the two pictures for Leone , Van Cleef stayed in Europe to make pale imitations of them and only returned to Hollywood in 1970 for El Condor which unwisely made him a sympathetic character .
9 I only asked him the other day
10 Mr Tsongas , a pro-business liberal , argued that to restart the campaign he abandoned three weeks ago for lack of funds would only make him a spoiler .
11 Killing him would only make him a martyr .
12 Although Edward apparently promised him the captaincy of Berwick in September 1319 , during the English siege of the town , and grants continued to come his way during 1320 , his allegiance was soon to be severed by the ambitions of Despenser , whose attempts in 1320–1 to enlarge his share of the Gloucester inheritance in south Wales raised the whole march against him .
13 He is well liked and sticks to his brief come what may — a tactic that has rightly earned him the nickname of the ’ Bardic steamroller ’ .
14 But a boardroom vote of six to one in favour was not enough to secure him the position .
15 But it is that same obstinacy or , put another way , determination to win , that has not only made him a successful captain , but also into one of the most feared batsmen in the world .
16 Perhaps you 'd better give him a pop over hurdles tomorrow . ’
17 when he gets , when daddy comes home you 'd better give him a big cuddle and ask him
18 But when he sent his ambassador to see if she were indeed as beautiful as men told , the Venetians would only show him the princess at nightfall , in an unlighted room .
19 Of all the people in the world to expose her seething mass of fears and insecurities to , Guy Sterne would have been her last choice … yet she 'd told him about Mortimer , she 'd carelessly made him a gift of her virginity , she 'd wildly announced she loved him , and now she was baring her soul over the painful anguish of her mother 's death …
20 He 'd show her , and even if she did n't appreciate the work it would perhaps give him a moment to think , to recover his poise .
21 Only cost him a couple of quid . ’
22 She 'd only met him a few times , but it had been easy for Julie to see that Ross Wyndham was even more Leo-like than his wife .
23 But as he had , I could only give him the answer he needed , without knowing for sure whether it was true or not .
24 Despite this , his marks were high enough to win him a sought after place in the Indian Army .
25 Also , he is one of the best man-man markers Ive seen … basically give him a job and he 'll do it .
26 So give him a big hand , please …
27 So give him a good clean show suitable for all the family , or you can rest assured you 'll be playing the tavern tonight .
28 Wallace and Deane look like the ideal combination as once they start passing to wallace it makes space for deane to also run into space so give HIM the variety too .
29 His name is Michael Marsden and he 's a local runner , so give him an encouraging word as you pass .
30 The bridge party duly clubbed together to buy him a dinner jacket .
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