Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to new " in BNC.

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1 The total number of schools associated with the various projects is small , and , while even these may not continue to incorporate the new ideas in their user education , they have been sufficiently exposed to new approaches to schools user education to suggest that for them at least and probably for many other schools traditional school library instruction will not be quite the same again .
2 Organisation development ‘ is a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs , attitudes , values and structure of organisations so that they can better adapt to new technologies , markets and challenges and to the dizzying rate of change itself . ’
3 Control of the lives of accused prostitutes did not end with the repeal of the Acts ; it was merely transferred to new agencies , often with similar personnel to those who had enforced the Contagious Diseases Acts .
4 While everyone puzzles over how these animals first arrived on the Isle of Man , stories of tailless cats being found in such faraway places as Russia , Malaysia , and China all leading to new theories , nobody seems to have considered that the tailless gene might first have occurred on the Isle of Man itself .
5 Billiton ( UK ) Ltd 's and the Rank Organisation 's relocation policies note that relocation expenses are only reimbursed to new employees in ‘ exceptional cases ’ .
6 This does n't necessarily apply to new artists .
7 The reason for the procedure is that the consideration shares issued by the bidder to accepting shareholders are issued for a non-cash consideration ( ie the shares in the target ) and accordingly are not required to be offered to the bidder 's shareholders under the pre-emption provisions of CA 1985 , s89 , because that section only applies to new issues for cash .
8 The best chance of acclimatization occurs with acquisitions of about 2″ in length , which are small enough to adapt to new foods and large enough to survive in tank conditions .
9 This training video would be useful not only to show to new staff , but it must be admitted , to a lot of heads of homes as well .
10 This is not confined to new policies and new decisions , but implies also the continuing examination , on a systematic and critical basis of existing activities of government .
11 However , the Act did not apply to new dwellings built after 1919 or to dwellings converted to flats after that date .
12 The direction only applies to evidence which a party " intends to place reliance on " and so can not apply to new evidence which only comes to light after the time for serving statements has passed .
13 Hollein is best known to New Yorkers for the townhouse on East 79th Street he renovated in the late Sixties to house Richard Feigen 's gallery ( it 's now the Hanae Mori shop ) .
14 But the problem remained that the physical basis of Ampère 's equations was implausible ; they provided a model which could be adapted to fit new discoveries , but which did not lead to new predictions or give a convincing explanation to those whose first language was not mathematics-like Faraday .
15 The cells , with time , acquire an autonomous developmental programme and no longer respond to new positional cues .
16 Transfer the F1 adults that you have just bred to new tubes containing flour-yeast mixture .
17 Evidential issues are often used , incorrectly , by organisations as an excuse not to adapt to new technologies , or to continue to maintain paper back-up of such documents .
18 Competitive advantage can be gained from exploiting information at the strategic level so as to increase business efficiency or to highlight areas in the organisation which are particularly strong or weak , and thus lead to new business strategies .
19 It is characteristic of the Government that although the Minister spoke for one quarter of an hour , he did not once refer to new clause 2 or defend the Government 's record .
20 Graham 's parents are , of course , always open to new suggestions for diagnosis and treatment of their son 's condition .
21 It is often a good thing to be somewhat anarchic , never rigid in your opinions , and always open to new ideas if you want to be a planner .
22 At the other were old women and old men up and about , actively using old skills , adapting and developing new ones , able to play and to care and confide ; still open to new love from the young .
23 The Government is also committed to new road safety measures , including raising penalties for drink driving and installing more cameras at dangerous road junctions to film those passing through red lights .
24 Teri has given up going to New Year 's Eve parties after she had to lock herself in the kitchen with loads of middle aged ladies hammering on the door .
25 It 's also hired to new supervisors to increase training and ease managerial stress .
26 Though taking up an interest for its own sake may also lead to new friends and a good social life , it can be helpful or necessary to join a club purely for emotional support or to forge fresh contacts .
27 The regulations also apply to new buildings and alterations and extensions of existing buildings .
28 The main doubts about level and standards in higher education probably relate to new or interdisciplinary courses for which the criteria are not well established , or courses which have atypical entrants ( e.g. ‘ unqualified ’ mature students ) or which are not assessed in conventional ways ( e.g. with a heavy reliance on course or project work rather than unseen examinations ) .
29 He named the place New South Britain , a name later changed to New South Shetland .
30 The business that Mike began has now transferred to new premises , it no longer makes cider but apple juice .
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