Example sentences of "[pron] in [adj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Sir , may I in particular you sir , thank you for the unfailing good humour with which you have conducted this enquiry .
2 On the one hand you could give it your best shot on the decriminalisation of homosexuality , on the liberalising of legislation in relation to condoms and on the introduction of divorce legislation — all of which in private you would acknowledge as being desirable if not essential .
3 THE PENCIL OF NATURE was Talbot 's attempt to acquaint the general public with the characteristics and scope of his process , which in 1841 he had decisively improved [ and called the Calotype ) .
4 Erm well in in the context of what I did say yesterday it 'll come as no great surprise to anyone that like Ryedale we also accept the North Yorkshire County County figures , erm which in short we we find are based on reasonable assumptions and and and an appropriate methodology , compared to some of the more extreme interpretations and projections that have that have been put forward , if I can illustrate that point by reference to er potential building rates , that the highest figure that 's been suggested is the one put forward by Mr Grigson , of Barton Willmore , I 'm talking for the moment about Greater York generally , and I 'll come onto the Selby aspect in a minute .
5 The main influences seen by Vauxcelles in the work of the younger painters were those of Gauguin , Derain and Matisse , to which in 1910 he adds the influence of Picasso .
6 It came from many quarters , both domestic and foreign , for his megalomaniac , as it was often characterized , insistence on Iran 's ‘ imperial vocation ’ of which in 1972 he celebrated the 2,500th birthday .
7 Think it 's used to you in that I do n't know what , I do n't tell Ron , well he knows how I felt cos I said course I 'm , god he said , is that a performance , he said I have n't sat on your knee for ages , I said no I just feel like it , before we went out and er , I said well I do n't think there 's anything the matter do you , I said with him back there saying make sure Mr Hudson has the notes , and he said no , he said , he said he would n't leave it seven months he said
8 Erm this meant that how that er erm some of the problems actually arose from the outline landlord itself er by land law itself in that it discussed land reform in very general terms and the policy towards middle and rich peasants was left unclear erm which meant that how that classes were being mis-classified and the movement was getting out of hand .
9 Yeah there 's something in that you see , the white
10 There was something in particular he wanted to talk about .
11 You and I have something in common you know . ’
12 ‘ With the number of firms working to full capacity still fewer than one in five it is difficult to be optimistic about any improvements in the short term , ’ he added .
13 An election may also be a realigning one in that it produces a long-term shift in the balance of support between the parties , perhaps installing one as the new majority .
14 In one way this statement is more conservative than the previous one in that it has elevated the popular usage ‘ Republican Sunday ’ to a part of party language and thus confirmed the belief that Catholicism and republicanism are the same thing , but it represents an important departure from previous positions in clearly tying the DUP 's position to that of the electorate .
15 The sense of touch is also a very fundamental one in that it is easier to get beyond the barrier of words and thoughts to direct experience this way .
16 This game is very similar to the previous one in that it is a race to pass the orange along .
17 The LEA scheme concerned is an unusual one in that it combines school self-evaluation with an inspection which provides something of an external evaluation of the exercise .
18 The Church of S. Saviour Pantocrator ( also later a mosque ) is an unusual one in that it consists of three churches joined to one another and all of twelfth century date , but all have easy access to each other inside .
19 The one in particular I 'm referring to you will see we 'd all see the Son of Man , they they 'd recognised that reference to himself Son of Man , they 'd recognised that because that comes out of the Old Testament Book of Daniel does n't it , the Son of Man seated on the right hand of the Almighty coming with the clouds of heaven .
20 Then he said , ‘ I 've managed to get a sprinkling of young men , and there 's one in particular I 'd like you to meet . ’
21 But where a decision affects everyone in general and no one in particular it is much harder to define sufficient interest .
22 They think that about one in from one in ten you get something .
23 I just chucked everything in that I had , did it , in the box and we were out before seven .
24 I knew this to be true and believed firmly that when the word was given me in 1986 it would be fulfilled some time in the future .
25 She complains cheerfully as we enter saying , ‘ Jaz I 've never had so many people kissin' me in all me life , strangers and all , you 'd tink I was in Italy or England or America , God forbid ! ’
26 No , what I meant was , it was me in particular she was n't happy to see . ’
27 Without any experience of that industry he found a useful partner in Thomas Gray , the manager of a small ironworks at Coatbridge , with whom in 1861 he formed the business of Colville & Gray .
28 Squeeze them in sure we 'll find somewhere for them to go , vacate , so long as I get a kiss from everybody apart from the boys and
29 I only fill them in that I know for a fact .
30 Erm and it was rather a a and heavy work , you had to have a team of horses to pull a load of suedes and you had to get them in Some you used to carry out on and just drag them I mean s spread them out on the field er for the store cattle and the sheep .
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