Example sentences of "[pron] to [noun sg] from " in BNC.

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1 To keep himself busy , Mr Cottle helped himself to porridge from a steaming bowl .
2 Waddle will be the one to benefit from Barnes 's absence .
3 The farmers see a danger that their products will become uncompetitive ; the road freight carriers have similar fears about what will happen if 1992 and the advent of the European single market exposes them to competition from foreign firms unfettered by the restrictions and burdens imposed on the Dutch .
4 Mr Pigdon picked up the candle which had been ready to light him to bed from a shelf in an alcove by the door , and bustled past the visitor down the hall .
5 The bedclothes had been pushed down , which enabled her to edge from under his arm without disturbing him .
6 These or other events in her life at this time , even the sad ones like the passing of the first anniversary of her husband 's death , may be the key that will open the door for her to freedom from the prison of grief where she has finished the hard labour of bereavement .
7 As James Tobin pointed out in his comments on the Coen and Hickman paper , a feature of their approach which exposes it to criticism from those macroeconomists who accept some variant of the NAIRU hypothesis is that it lacks a coherent explanation of the relationship between unemployment , be it Keynesian , classical or some mixture of the two , and inflation .
8 During this process it was suggested that a dummy engine be installed to save time and weight , but this idea was rejected on the grounds that the idea was for the Norseman to be as live an aircraft as it could be , and for it to taxi from the hangar in which is was being restored , across Howey Bay , to its position on the shoreline , adjacent to where it would be mounted on the pole .
9 So we have now reached the stage where , as Briggs said , it is no longer enough for Western scientists to close themselves to knowledge from other cultures simply because ‘ meditation is spiritual and we are scientists ’ .
10 close oneself to awareness from other viewpoints ; indeed , if full awareness were , required for the intelligent choosing of means , our thesis would invite the rejoinder : - ‘ If ‘ Be good' ’ follows from ‘ ‘ Be aware from all viewpoints ' ’ , why does not the urgent need to be aware of the people with whom we deal compel us all to be moral ? ’
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