Example sentences of "[pron] in the [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Am I in the same room ? ’ she asked .
2 Fritzy , bleerk with Ministry , breaks his hand hitting someone in the same brawl .
3 Around 1.7 million of these were looking after someone in the same household ; 1.4 million were providing help or supervision for at least twenty hours a week ; and 3.7 million were carrying the main responsibility for providing that help ( Green , 1988 ) .
4 Again in the 45–60 age group , noticeably higher proportions of unmarried women were caring for someone in the same household , were the main carers of their disabled relatives and friends , and were caring for over twenty hours a week than were either their married or male counterparts ( Green , 1988 , pp. 9–10 ) .
5 Though Craig and Jo have a number of sexy scenes together in Home and Away , she says the advantage of her real-life relationship with someone in the same industry is that her partner fully understands that romantic clinches with an international heart-throb are just part of the job .
6 The world would be a more stable and therefore a better place if we extinguished ourselves in the same place where we first saw the light of day , and if we spent the intervening time in as small a circumference as a day 's walking permits .
7 When George Abbott , the Archbishop of Canterbury , accidentally shot dead a gamekeeper , Andrewes , as a member of a commission of enquiry , urged his colleagues ‘ Brethren , be not too busy to condemn any for uncanonicles according to the strictness thereof , lest we render ourselves in the same condition . ’
8 And within six years , wanting to register ( in The Criter - ion for 1934 ) the distinction of Binyon 's version of the Inferno despite its consistent inversions of prosaic word order , Pound found himself in the same situation , having to contend with those who had learned too well or too inflexibly the lessons he himself had taught them :
9 Now he finds himself in the same position as his predecessor — a relative conservative whose time is past .
10 Ludens was himself in the same situation .
11 She then teaches him to organize his toiletries and himself in the same way as she would in the hospital setting .
12 Another who may find himself in the same situation will call upon all his inner resources in his efforts to deal with the problem .
13 Treat ye me well , and keep ye in the same state :
14 ‘ Well , let's just say that it 's crossed your mind that maybe , maybe if you stay long enough in this place it 'll get to you in the same way as it got to me .
15 If you have answered ‘ yes ’ to three or more of them , you are probably perpetuating this self-image by looking for friends or partners who will treat you in the same way .
16 One day it could be you in the same position ’ .
17 Most mortgage lenders see you in the same light as everyone else and make no concessions to the lifestyle that lies ahead of you .
18 In any case , why should it want the two of you in the same orbit ? ’
19 Do they affect you in the same way ?
20 They do n't heal you in the same way if you ca n't share them ’ .
21 ‘ I 'll see you in the same pub we used last time .
22 ‘ And they supported you in the same way ? ’ she asked gently .
23 We will also insure you in the same way following an accident involving any trailer while attached to your motor cycle .
24 Notice what Jesus says in verse seven , he says , I tell you in the same way there 'll be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents , than over ninety nine righteous persons who need no repentance .
25 I tell you in the same way , there will be joy in heaven over one sinner that repents .
26 Er it 's very hard to keep on forgiving somebody for hurting you in the same way over and over again and in this particular example , three times and that 's it .
27 With the best will in the world a bassoon can not begin to express itself in the same terms as a viola da gamba and when two of the three melodic parts are conceived for strings a precious dimension is lost by substituting woodwind .
28 But since , against the odds , Alice keeps her cellar as ‘ the perfection of cleanliness ’ , the image is pleasing and does not impose itself in the same way on the reader 's imagination .
29 To my personal embarrassment to the extent that I was a party to the majority of the decisions to which I have referred , I have to say that I think that this court again finds itself in the same position .
30 The Socialist League began to find itself in the same critical relationship with the Labour Party which had forced its predecessor , the ILP , to disaffiliate .
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