Example sentences of "[pron] the good [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At 60,000 feet it was harder to tell which was giving me the better high : the puppy poo , the Beastie Boys album or the Cessna .
2 We guarantee nothing — wild birds are free to go where they wish and , though we can give them the best possible conditions , we can never be certain that they will stand in front of a hide !
3 ‘ The portacabin provided us with a way to offer them the best possible service under the circumstances . ’
4 ‘ The lean-line droopiness of Michael Crawford and Oliver Reed 's big-drum bravado make them the best double act since Laurel and Hardy , ’ wrote Alexander Walker in the London Evening Standard .
5 Some would read significance into an incident in which the best educated director of one licensed dealer suddenly became history .
6 Ms Maeve Sherlock , president of the National Union of Students , said : ‘ The Government must now take on running a scheme which the best financial experts in the country want nothing to do with . ’
7 The Israelis had turned the old Arab buildings south of the serail into a shopping and restaurant precinct , a tastefully laid out tourist attraction in which the best architectural features have been preserved .
8 ( There is a ‘ plus ’ factor without which the best human efforts at settling disputes often fail .
9 But also a year in which the good new cars , exciting developments and true innovations kept flowing .
10 In short , our status as Independent Financial Advisors means we must always give you the best possible advice regarding your options in the financial marketplace .
11 We will endeavour to give you the best possible service to ensure a trouble-free and enjoyable holiday .
12 We are constantly trying to improve our standards so that we can continue to offer you the best possible service .
13 At Parcelforce , we aim to give you the best possible service and to be fair in all our dealings with you .
14 Whilst everyone in Parcelforce is working hard to give you the best possible service , we do sometimes make mistakes .
15 At Royal Mail , we aim to give you the best possible service and to be fair in all our dealings with you .
16 Everyone in Royal Mail is working to give you the best possible service .
17 I 'll just once more track , do n't say all give you the best possible advice .
18 It is important that I put myself in a position to be able to give you the best possible advice .
19 and er obviously I want to sort of give you the best possible price
20 It is best to shop around all the banks to see which gives you the best long-term deal rather than the biggest incentive to join .
21 These plans will be costed , giving him the best possible chance to make an effective case .
22 Not for him the good old days of the 1960s , when the Mirror — social conscience and all — reigned supreme and Pilger was churning out his hard-hitting reports .
23 Autocar simply puts is another way , calling it the best small car in the world .
24 Or should policy concentrate more on clarifying the goals and outcomes of learning , and on providing the kind of support which will enable schools to identify for themselves the best possible ways of achieving such goals and outcomes ?
25 Warned Dorigo : ‘ We have n't lost faith in our ability and if we can beat Blackburn and Norwich , it will give us the best possible launching pad for the second half of the season . ’
26 ‘ It was only intended as a short-term measure , ’ Schaffer objected , ‘ to keep the valley clear and give us the best possible chance for a manhunt . ’
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