Example sentences of "[pron] now as [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We bring them before you now as we reflect on our Mother , Mary , who suffered as other mothers suffer , a mother faced with hardship , a refugee , a woman of sorrows .
2 I should like to reiterate those comments to you now as I believe they remain relevant : 1 ) Control the duration of play by an ice hockey-type clock to prevent time-wasting. 2 ) Players to have their names on the back of their shirts .
3 He regarded them now as he regarded other ordinary but embarrassing habits of youth : odd hair styles , a passion for cheap cologne , eccentric dressing , strange obsessions — all things to be grown out of .
4 They ate less and less , never venturing outside the villa , the physical aspect of their relationship consuming them both as Damian began to take her beyond her new-found sensuality , smashing barriers as he went , teaching her everything about her body and his until she thrilled to the power of knowing how to touch and kiss him to make him breathless with ecstasy , whispering incoherent , urgent words of encouragement to her until they both fell into their usual sleep of pleasurable exhaustion , completely united by the passion that raged just as highly between them now as it ever had from the very beginning .
5 I often think of them now as I share a strawberry daiquiri with Morrissey and Loz from Kingmaker in the Hyatt Buenos Aires .
6 And perhaps her friend was right , Lisa thought to herself now as she sank back in her armchair in front of the gas fire , put her feet up at last and took a mouthful of her cocoa .
7 She smiled to herself now as she drove through the outskirts of Edinburgh , eyes fixed like limpets on the black Mercedes in front of her — if she lost sight of Jake now , she was done for !
8 He smiled at her now as he said , ‘ Yes , you 're right , I do love it . ’
9 He was as perfect to her now as he had been when she had seen him as a child .
10 He watched her now as she singed the birds over the gas-flame .
11 She was getting quite neurotic , Harriet reflected , and the same thought occurred to her now as she checked her image in the full length mirror , tucking her camisole top more neatly in at the waist of her pants and straightening the ornamental clasp of the loose belt she had fastened around her hips .
12 The elegance of his own style , the willingness of the assistants , the feeling that an endless flow of joy emanated from this eccentric and astute little man , the jade-green charm of the suit that was eventually chosen , the reserve , the luxury , the civilization of that day came back to her now as she stood gazing at iron scaffolding , aware of drunks in the square opposite and the depression that had undermined the world , and her , since the buoyancy of that radiant and particular day .
13 Amabel smiled at her now as she sat by Gemma 's bedside tranquilly embroidering a cambric handkerchief , patient and beautiful as an angel and so terribly wronged .
14 The screeching and thrashing was behind him now as they bundled out into the corridor , and Cardiff turned to slam the door shut .
15 ‘ Listen to him now as he tells us how and why he became a convert .
16 Aye , cos we even had people where , where , where the placard you see , people 'll say oh that house , I wonder if they 'll let us have a look at it now as they 're passing
17 She used it now as she said , ‘ It 's so sweet of Susan to spare you tonight .
18 Right and it goes like these great funnels spread it Now as it goes down it gets caught down .
19 Hear us now as we attempt to contact Simon 's father and help him in the great spiritual work that awaits him in this prime time of his boyhood ! ’
20 To pass beyond it is to cross the threshold into another dimension which , for all its pragmatic gifts to the West over the centuries , remains as mysteriously little-known to us now as it was for the first explorers .
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