Example sentences of "[pron] could hold the " in BNC.

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1 Hemming says that Brihtheah 's were made because he was from Berkshire and had no relatives in Worcestershire , and in Edward the Confessor 's time Bishop Hermann complained that nobody could hold the see of Ramsbury without the help of kinsmen .
2 Architectural paint companies tend to change their colours only once every seven to 10 years , so this is seen as a major revamp which could hold the key to Porter 's sales and marketing success for the rest of the century .
3 She could hold the interest of a group of undergraduates at a tea-party and have a serious exchange of ideas with them .
4 If for any reason you wanted to give each monthly payment direct to ACET , we could hold the money in an account in your name until the amount accumulated reaches the £600 threshold .
5 The Executive Council under Sir Paw Tun were inert and helpless , and later that morning I went to the Governor to say that I did not think we could hold the situation any longer without grave risk , and advised him to call for the resignation of the Executive Council .
6 Thus , given that there might come a time when forces were available for deployment in the Middle East , it made sense for American diplomats to encourage what friends and allies they could to hold the line in the interval .
7 VERTICAL , horizontal , angular fibre soil erosion materials are not the average fan 's idea of a talking point , but they could hold the key to better pitches .
8 The conquest of Ireland was the largest military undertaking of Elizabeth 's reign , costing over £1m. , or the total royal revenue for three years , which was far more than any other military or naval activities , and a new wave of English landlords was able to gain estates if they could hold the rebellious Irish population in subjection .
9 They could hold the key that saves us . ’
10 It was arranged that they could hold the ceremony in front of the band stand following which they danced their favourite dance together .
11 Nor were defensive measures in conjunction with the United States entirely ruled out , but the British Chiefs of Staff believed that in the worst eventuality they could hold the Kra Isthmus ( to the north of Malaya ) against the Chinese .
12 And they could hold the key to much more than that .
13 The first time she wore it , Nigel kept his coat on at a party so that he could hold the side out and cover the vision .
14 With Gomez watching , he bound Trent s wrists in front of him so that he could hold the coffee mug .
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