Example sentences of "[pron] up into [art] " in BNC.

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1 He groaned in agony as he pushed himself up into a kneeling position .
2 Groaning , Tommy curled himself up into a ball , his hands covering his head .
3 The second time he came round , he suddenly pulled himself up into a sitting position .
4 Rincewind looked around wildly , and then with wild improvisation drew himself up into a wizardly pose .
5 He worked himself up into the kind of rage that leads to unforgivable things being said .
6 So , in JUST LIKE A WOMAN ( Cert 15 ; General ) , it 's a bit of a relief when Gerald ( Adrian Pasdar ) finally admits he gets his kicks out of dressing as a woman — and proves the point by making himself up into the gorgeous Geraldine in front of her .
7 Denis did n't remember what happened to the bowler hat after the old man had laboured to haul himself up into the cart and , in response to a wave of the gun , had carefully stretched himself out on its messy floor .
8 Rincewind , coiling himself like a spring , gave a standing jump and grasped a beam , swinging himself up into the relative safety of the roof with a strength that amazed him .
9 There was a way down , on iron rungs , from the Reading Room , and a way out , through a high locked portal , which brought you up into the sunless Egyptian necropolis , amongst blind staring pharaohs , crouching scribes , minor sphinxes and empty mummy-cases .
10 ‘ It was Faye , dear , silly Faye , with her ridiculous attempt to doll you up into the sort of woman she thought I 'd want .
11 So a violent kind of self-accelerating process would take place , with the magma rapidly blowing itself up into a froth of gas and liquid rock and blasting itself clear out of the vent .
12 The supreme example of spiny defence is shown by the porcupine fish , a small inflatable creature that can puff itself up into a prickly sphere , either with an intake of water when under the surface , or with air when it has been caught and removed from the sea .
13 Through it all , remarks one of its editors , Alexander Whyte , ‘ like volcanic rock , thrusting itself up into a harvest field , so does Andrewes ' acute and abiding remorse for sin pierce up through his finest and fullest psalms of Thanksgiving ’ .
14 Here we can see the paired jointed legs that are attached to each body segment , the feathery gill on a stalk alongside each leg , two feelers at the front of the head , the gut running the entire length of the body , even the muscle fibres along the back which enabled the animal to roll itself up into a ball .
15 The modern obsession with the tube — that evanescent twist of the wave as it curls itself up into the form of a vagina to lure in unwary youths like bees into the mouths of flowers — perpetuates the equation of surfing and sex .
16 GEC , under the guidance of Lord Weinstock , built itself up into the largest manufacturing employer in the UK , producing a wide range of products from telecommunications to defence electronics .
17 And , to give the table setting a special festive feel , Kate has attached wide red satin ribbons from the corners , taken them up into a pyramid shape and tied them to the lamp above .
18 ‘ Tony did some sketches last year and he was going to work them up into a picture — why have n't you , Tony ? ’
19 the ones who are , who have seen it all before , and done it from last year , because they had to split a smaller section of them up into the first year .
20 A burly serjeant-of-arms stopped them , asked their business , and grudgingly let them through into the main courtyard where they were halted by a steward who took them up into the main hall .
21 She made no protest when Travis removed her boots and jumper , nor when he lay down beside her , turning her so that they lay spoon-fashion before zipping them up into the quilted cocoon .
22 My route takes me up into the Chiltern foothills , and a labyrinth of green lanes .
23 I remember how her country beginnings showed themselves then : she made no fuss about seeming to be lost , nor did she work herself up into a state as the aunts would have done , just stood there patiently and quietly while I untangled her and found the way ; and did not even grumble , although after that I let her decide where we should go , which was usually across a field near the sewage plant , and along a road near the gasworks .
24 Because she has worked herself up into a pitiful state of fear and tension , this does not mean that her suffering is not real .
25 She must not work herself up into a terrible temper on supposition .
26 With a muffled groan she rolled on to her side and screwed herself up into a tight ball , alternately hot and shivery with emotion .
27 I crawl , I kiss your arse , do everything — ’ She had worked herself up into a state of almost incoherent fury , like a child in a tantrum , tears streaming down her face and her whole body shaking in a sort of passion as she suddenly flew at him , clawing with her nails .
28 She pushed herself up into a sitting position .
29 Not trusting her voice , she shook her head , and , pulling herself up into a sitting position , watched him walk away .
30 Another source of worry was the baby girl that Panna , another of Chaman 's chelas , had adopted ; if ever it wheezed or coughed or refused its food , Panna would work herself up into an opera of agitation .
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