Example sentences of "[pron] can never [be] " in BNC.

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1 Wherever , whatever I am , I can never be thrown away .
2 I can never be grateful enough to them for the sacrifice they made to keep me at school , when even ten shillings a week would have relieved the pressure on the food bill .
3 It was a most fruitful involvement and I can never be grateful enough for what I learned about the long history of Burma and the Buddhist culture which was woven into the life of the people .
4 ‘ But as you are , I can never be more than a friend to you . ’
5 I can never be this … this dream woman whom you 've invented for yourself , nor live as you would want me to .
6 yeah , er , design I can never be to a boiler or storage heater for the winter also the heater would activate the till the heat
7 ‘ These awful events create a drug culture which can never be a part of our culture , and they must be stopped , ’ Mr Clements said .
8 ‘ Bear in mind there are people who suffer lifelong injury which can never be put right .
9 Some of them have concluded that existence constitutes that universal and elusive divine presence which can never be pinned down as a particular constituent of reality .
10 Many of the latter , of course , regard Kosovo as a sacred part of historic Serbia which can never be ‘ surrendered ’ .
11 In October 1959 , the Soviet probe Luna 3 first photographed the far side of the Moon , which can never be seen from the Earth .
12 We both have very firm views on relay racing which can never be reconciled .
13 But acknowledgement of increasing complication and uncertainty is not a retreat from objectivity ; doubt or acceptance of a supposed historical fact or law of nature likewise depends on accumulation of evidence which can never be complete .
14 But there are some things which can never be rightly explained .
15 There is often a shared pattern of experiences , beliefs and attitudes which have all arisen within their particular generation and which can never be fully shared by younger people .
16 It was a trip which can never be repeated as nearly all lines are gone .
17 ( For example , the electric repulsive force between two electrons is due to the exchange of virtual photons , which can never be directly detected ; but if one electron moves past another , real photons may be given off , which we detect as light waves . )
18 The construction must be free from dirt traps ( so any form of framed system with infill panels will not be acceptable as the construction forms dirt traps which can never be effectively cleaned ) .
19 Slater provided Britten with pen-portraits out of Crabbe which can never be forgotten once they are encountered .
20 After two months of protracted negotiation , Alf arrived at Ayresome Park , and chalked up a record which can never be eclipsed : he became the first £1,000 footballer .
21 In effect , its use was an excellent example of successful space planning , and in a rolling , pitching ship ensured that blissful , undisturbed suspension which can never be matched by a static bunk !
22 But they come to realise that they are imprisoned by a transparent but impenetrable wall , which can never be crossed .
23 She can never be as pretty as our mother , ’ Fergal said .
24 In biblical language , God makes himself known always and only as the Lord who lays his claim upon us ; in that of Kierkegaard , he is the Subject who can never be reduced to an object , but is always the One who challenges us across the gulf of the ‘ infinite qualitative difference ’ , and so awakens in us the ‘ infinite passion ’ of faith .
25 In some cases longer detention would be requisite , and there may from time to time be murderers who can never be released .
26 It means a nervous dependence upon nature , a relationship with a step-parent who can never be entirely relied upon .
27 For this was not the anger of the cripple , who can never be sure if he has been shaped by some vengeful god or made accidentally by a purposeless universe .
28 They have had time , unlike the situation in 1971 , to assess how much damage has been done , in a material and spiritual sense , by these shadowy paramilitaries who can never be brought before a court .
29 It can be such a mild disease , and so like other childhood illnesses , you can never be absolutely sure you have had it .
30 I know too that you can never be with me here and for that reason I have taken a decision .
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