Example sentences of "[pron] has a high " in BNC.

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1 If we feel that someone has a high opinion of us we tend to want to live up to it , but few of us bother to make much effort with anyone we know who gives us a low rating , and this is very much the case between mothers-in-law and sons-in-law .
2 A study done for the pensioner 's parliament found that the basic pension paid in Britain in 1988 was lower than that paid in every country except Portugal — but Germany , which has a high pension , and Ireland , which has a low one , were omitted for technical reasons .
3 They obtain 70 per cent of their energy from burning coal , usually the brown variety , which has a high sulphur content and a low energy value .
4 Eating less meat , which has a high salt content , meant that they needed to supplement their salt intake .
5 They are far easier to transport than Turbo Snails , the popular imported snail for algae control , which has a high mortality rate in transit , sometimes up to 80% dying before reaching their destination .
6 Contains all you need to make delicious choccies , including couverture chocolate which has a high proportion of cocoa butter — and therefore a better flavour .
7 Temporary contracts of employment may be offered to you if you attend a course which has a high clinical input .
8 A wider use of existing methods of contraception among non-users — and a reduction in the use of the IUD , which has a high failure rate — would pull down the abortion rate 46 per cent .
9 This team — led by Alan Peaford — puts incredible effort into the organisation of one of the Association 's events which has a high public profile , and which incidentally brings some welcome funds into the BAIE coffers .
10 However , providers will require either to establish a partnership with an employer , enabling access to a workplace , or will have to establish a simulation which has a high correspondence with workplace conditions .
11 Residents have campaigned for a long time for a speed restriction and traffic calming in Skerne Park , which has a high accident rate .
12 Perhaps more typical is Scottish & Newcastle , which has a high proportion of female workers .
13 It uses mechanical pulp which has a high yield .
14 He feels that it is because he has a high ethical and moral standard in his approach to sacred sites that he has earned their trust over the years .
15 Relapse in the absence of a precipitating event is most likely to occur when the patient is living in a situation characterised by high expressed emotion between himself and a relative with whom he has a high degree of contact .
16 Seemingly always on the verge of promotion to the Cabinet he has a high profile at Westminster and is known for attracting a lot of publicity .
17 Certainly the OR shows some of the right properties — it has a high likelihood of occurrence when the stimulus is first presented and tends to decline with repeated presentation ( see Fig. 3.1 , p. 70 ) .
18 For each one , state whether it has a high , medium or low quality trading policy , and why you think so .
19 It has a high altar with fine gilded carving and a sixteenth-century sculpture of Our Lady of the Rosary .
20 It does not make any appreciable difference whether the solid is glassy or crystalline or even polymeric , nor does it matter whether it has a high or a low Young 's modulus 50 long as it more or less obeys Hooke 's law , virtually up to failure .
21 As to oil I use the lightest possible , which is grapeseed oil , but it has a high water content .
22 Although it has a high price , this is a top quality tent .
23 For example , if we consider one of the stories which Thorndyke ( 1977 ) used we can see that it has a high degree of internal organisation .
24 The barley which is grown in the Borders is particularly useful to the whisky industry because it has a high starch and low nitrogen content .
25 SPECIFIC HEAT : - It has a high specific heat capacity , so it warms relatively slowly , holds a lot of heat , and cools down relatively slowly .
26 When performed in a patient with upper gastrointestinal symptoms it has a high probability of diagnosis .
27 In other words Africa may have remained close to the region of major sub-lithospheric heating which preceded the breakup of Pangaea and this may explain why it has a high mean elevation today in spite of lacking significant orogenic belts .
28 Secondly , it has a high equilibrium solubility so that large quantities can be precipitated from a given volume of solution .
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