Example sentences of "[pron] have [verb] these " in BNC.

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1 I have to say these , these are documents in terms of the addition .
2 I have cited these passages in order to illustrate the difference between larceny by a trick and obtaining by false pretences and the important , if obvious , fact that the owner 's consent to transfer the property prevents the offender from being guilty of larceny , although the consent was obtained by fraud and , in the words of Megaw L.J .
3 I have selected these six passages because they appear to me to call effectively for a rethinking of practically every aspect of the pre-1967 school curriculum in Tanzania — its underlying values , the structure , the balance between in-school and out-of-school activities , the content and pacing of the materials in relation to the age of the learners and the whole process and attitude towards evaluation .
4 In that sense , if in no other , I have felt these past weeks rather like a dentist .
5 I have listed these processes because it was through their operation that Tyneside 's industrial proletariat was created .
6 ( I have listed these at the end of the chapter . )
7 I have questioned these people carefully .
8 I have to ask these questions , Mrs Ward , ’ he said apologetically .
9 While I have noted these before ( 1977a ) , I have not previously stressed their importance in Semai daily life and their place in the dynamic of non-violence .
10 I have heard these referred to as Disco Fish occasionally , but they are not nearly as common in the trade as they were .
11 In contrast , Stephen Timewell , mayor of Taunton in 1682 – 3 , a man who prided himself as having " tamed these stubborn Fanatics " during his term in office , nevertheless found that he too had to " leave off my shop trade , for ever since I have done these things not one of a hundred comes near me to buy or sell and they make it their business to persuade people not to come near me " .
12 I do not possess any pornographic publications or pictures of couples in lubricious postures , though I am aware that they exist to an ever more proliferating degree , and I have seen these things in Robert 's room and in my agent 's office .
13 I have seen these nomads of the desert with their independent strength and self-reliance and habitual cheerfulness .
14 I have seen these things happen before . ’
15 I have examined these ‘ other scenes ’ of theoretical and political ideology in detail elsewhere .
16 I have called these :
17 Now , I have to knock these out by the case , so who 'll be the first one up ?
18 My conviction is to stay here , to love this country ( which I have found — in spite of its beauty and its sunshine — hard to love ) , and to give all I have to help these people find their miracle — for the sake of the rest of Africa .
19 Well I have to know these things .
20 The reason I have chosen these two books for a comparison is because I always prefer to read books that are either true or close to reality as they bring out more emotions in my reading and at leat I know my feelings towards certain situations in the books have been felt by someone before , whether it may be another reader or the character himself , but in more depth .
21 I have chosen these books because they have similar themes ; they both portray individuals who have problems fitting into , accepting , and being accepted by the societies in which they live .
22 Erm , they write down nothing , they remember nothing , and I have to phone these clowns every other day , to make sure that they 're doing what we agreed they 're going to , otherwise I have no panels next month for my stand , and I would be up the creek .
23 I have divided these up into two groups — for younger and older children .
24 I have described these studies in detail because they are considered by many to be the best evidence for sophisticated residual pattern vision after visual cortex ablation .
25 Wherever I have described these results , I get instant recognition from executives .
26 Up to this point I have described these complex psychological developments in a manner which has attempted to make them as clear and as intelligible as possible .
27 Now I have never thought that this bold scheme works , in the categorical terms in which it is offered ( I have summarized these , partly in my own vocabulary ; for the full argument see Lukacs , 1969 ) .
28 ‘ But I have to get these done . ’
29 I have discussed these matters briefly here because the broad distinction I have drawn is relevant to describing the ‘ shape ’ of the speech community and locating patterns of change within it .
30 I have discussed these in The Selfish Gene , and will not pursue them further here .
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