Example sentences of "[pron] were so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I were so inclined , then yes , I suppose I could , ’ she conceded .
2 The military influences which were so strong in diplomacy in central and eastern Europe were therefore by no means unknown in the great western states as well .
3 Although Port-au-Prince was under fire from the oldest and most primitive of artillery pieces , which were so ill-preserved as to be as dangerous to their operators as to their targets , the effect was still terrifying to the populace , who were unused to the banshee wail that echoed overhead and preceded bone-crushing explosive impacts .
4 For many of these more moderate members of the Church of England the ritual and ceremonial elements of its liturgy , which were so offensive to Puritans , were a source of great comfort and spiritual solace .
5 But more surprisingly , there is little sign of the positive family traditions which were so striking in some of the autobiographies of the wealthy .
6 There could only be one end to these arguments which were so familiar to him .
7 I wanted to see something of those countries which were so much part of what Europe has been and will become , and which were yet so unknown .
8 When the southernmost stars also were divided up , the whole situation became somewhat chaotic ; various astronomers invented their own constellations , some of which were so small and so obscure as to be unworthy of separate identity .
9 No one could find out why this apparently healthy young woman suffered symptoms which were so intense and yet so varied .
10 Barbara swallowed hard , trying to shrug off the feelings which were so distressing her .
11 The publications of Degenhart and Annegrit Schmitt have succeeded in bringing into the mainstream of art history the study of artist 's pattern books and travel notebooks , which were so important for the dissemination of ideas and motifs , as well as book illustration and marginalia drawings .
12 The analysis of a series of about twenty family reconstitution studies will throw new light on the changes in the timing and incidence of marriage which were so important , thus complementing and extending the earlier work .
13 Boniface made claims which were so large and so tactless as to produce enemies like dragon 's teeth , and the French king 's own ambitions eventually drove Boniface into Edward 's camp .
14 Paradoxically , the more the middle class increased and flourished , diverting resources towards its own housing , offices , the department stores which were so characteristic a development of the era , and its prestige buildings , the less went relatively to the working-class quarters , except in the most general form of social expenditure streets , sanitation , lighting and public utilities .
15 He felt he knew very little about her present feelings , which were so malign toward him and unmapped that it was as if he were seeing the back side of the moon .
16 So we made these tests more complex in order to increase their relevance , but in so doing we produced tests which were so sophisticated as not to be widely available due to cost and personnel requirements , and which began to show some of the problems found when we measured performance ‘ on-site ’ .
17 Minton not only accepted invitations to dinner , in the digs Ted Dicks shared with another Royal College student who later became a famous thriller-writer , Len Deighton , he also shared a desire to participate in the revues Dicks mounted in the Common Room in Cromwell Road and which were so renowned that the entrance queue often tailed all the way back to South Kensington tube station .
18 Again , I disagree with my right hon. Friend the Member for Old Bexley and Sidcup in his comments on NATO , which were so childish as to be not worth considering .
19 There are aquatic arrangements ( probably influenced by the black and white mosaics , showing marine scenes , which were so popular in Italy , in the second and early-third century : see Clarke 1979 ) and other such scenes e.g. the mask of Neptune , fish and dolphins of no. 18 .
20 Apart from the inflation associated with the Korean War , this period was marked by a combination of unprecedentedly low unemployment rates with price levels which were admittedly creeping upwards , but at rates which were so modest that they were regarded as tolerable .
21 It is possible for example that time-gap experiences simply reflect events which were so banal that they could not be distinguished from other memories for similar previous driving .
22 The bedchamber was hung with silks which were so fine that they bruised if something brushed against them .
23 Her growing indignation at the way they were discussing her as though she were so much merchandise was abruptly swamped by misery at the thought of giving herself to the man she had dreamed of for years in such a cold-blooded manner .
24 Anyway , if she were so ill it would look funny taking the children — and I 'm not leaving them with her ! ’
25 Did Eve hate the Westwards who were so rich for not taking her into the big house ?
26 Guests at their big Los Angeles show included KURT COBAIN and COURTNEY LOVE , who were so impressed by king of the skins BRENDON O'HARE that they are seriously considering naming their imminent first-born after him !
27 I worked for one of the youngest couples on our street , who were so chic they even had an Afghan hound .
28 who were so shifty when it happened ,
29 Once , in a crowded bar I was forced into conversation with two ladies who were so disappointed that I felt quite guilty .
30 I have succeeded in completely bringing back into useful production the seven million unemployed who were so dear to all our own hearts , in keeping the German peasant on his soil despite all difficulties and in rescuing it for him , in attaining the renewed flourishing of German trade , and in tremendously promoting transportation .
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