Example sentences of "[pron] were the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps by my middle-aged presence , the suggestion that Flora and I were the same age ?
2 I felt that he and I were the same sort of person , that there was something in my brain and heart , in my blood and bone , that connected me to him for ever .
3 Matt and I were the same age within a month but Alfred was two or three years older and Maurice quite a bit younger .
4 Although one of the gowns sent by Tamar was quite deep brown in colour , the other was of a pretty shade of blue , which would set off Martha 's eyes , which were the same deep blue as her father 's .
5 Erm , although I think we will say that that would be dangerous thing to do and that we should continue to work upon the er the assumption that there erm er overall as a n , a nine percent increase , but , that seems highly unlikely that will succeed , erm What I 've then done is take account of the various staffing changes that there have been during the year , both short term and long term , erm , and you 'll see that produces a figure actually available to us this year of twenty seven thousand five hundred and eighty eight investigative hours , erm which is slightly less than we had last year , er but erm almost not significantly so , erm and it seemed to me therefore that if we were n't trying to reduce times , er , if we were saying that we would turn in times at the end of this year which were the same as the term times we turned in at the end of last year we could probably achieve that without any further recruitment .
6 There are procedures to be gone through which were the same as for Mrs Thatcher 's proposal
7 Nor could Chamberlain ever show how a preference within the low tariffs , which were the most that Britain would conceivably tolerate upon her food or raw materials , could make the difference , as he constantly reiterated , between Imperial consolidation and Imperial dissolution .
8 ‘ My doctor , ’ he said , ‘ has told me that because we are both very depressive types of people , perhaps because we know what life is about that I should n't meet people who were the same way as I am and get depressed about things . ’
9 I have seen before and after your boasted strokes of policy ; and you were the same man , and would have been the same man to me and to yourself if you had never done them .
10 You were the same when Mum died , ’ she wailed .
11 But you were the same age , you might have known or heard things about her that adults would not know . ’
12 ‘ Better than what ? ’ she asked innocently , thinking that two could play at that game of acting as though everything were the same as it had always been .
13 We had been childhood friends , not from deep affection , or even from admiration , but because we were the same sort of person and trusted one another .
14 We were the same age , but I was so much older than he .
15 It was grown now , and a good bit taller than me , but when I was young and we were the same size it had been my static catapult defending the southerly approaches to the island .
16 I said there were the that county record form and this man asked me from the museum that handled it if he could send them back to erm to Wiltshire .
17 If she spoke , if once there were the least word , the least crack or fissure , upon which tears and screams could follow , she would have lost her one advantage , her source of ordinary viable life , and would be utterly undone and destroyed .
18 There were the few of us who cared , and there were the silly ones , the snobbish ones , the would-be debutantes and the daddy 's darlings and the horsophiles and the sex-cats .
19 . And er we were truthful , we tried to put our side of the argument , you know there were the few people who said , well I do n't really care , and drove in .
20 Certainly , when anaesthesia , for example , was first introduced , there were the same debates as there are now over the care of VLBW babies , about its experimental nature and the long- and short-term effects of using it .
21 There were the same farm houses and the same people on bicycles moving along the roads .
22 before hand there were the same designated police officer of the same specialized suites , things have changed and they have changed for the better .
23 These relative numbers indicate that the three planets were exposed to populations of small bodies in which there were the same relative numbers of bodies with various masses .
24 Bringing a copy of this picture to the instrument for comparison only served to show how right these first impressions were ( illus.2 ) : there were the same keys , the characteristically carved end-blocks , the lockboard batten and the nicely rounded crown on the spine adjacent , the colour of the veneer , the same stop knob in the same place — and leaning against this harpsichord the most revered of all ‘ English ’ composers , Handel himself !
25 In the 1920s , when astronomers began to look at the spectra of stars in other galaxies , they found something most peculiar : there were the same characteristic sets of missing colours as for stars in our own galaxy , but they were all shifted by the same relative amount toward the red end of the spectrum .
26 There were the same satisfactions of seeing a job well-finished and the same frustrations when the machines refused to function .
27 They were the same terms which Dante and the mediaeval jurists insisted on : Virgil was great , was perpetually relevant and in that sense ‘ a classic ’ ( if not , more exactingly , the one indisputable ‘ classic ’ ) , because in him could be found what Dante teased out of him — the vision of Empire , of the divinely appointed imperium , which must be reconciled ( this way and that , for the reconciling was not easy ) with the no less divinely intended ecclesia .
28 Although the smooths looked nothing like their skinhead predecessors , they were the same kids extending the fashion .
29 He stood the boxes side by side and then realised that they were the same size .
30 They were the same .
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