Example sentences of "[pron] which [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Solitude was an eccentricity the school was at pains to discourage , and its absence gave rise to a sort of panic in me which served to reinforce my sense of loss of self .
2 Rex Cunningham had told her that he had seen Clare in possession of a photograph of me which had convinced him we were intimate friends .
3 This encouraged a move away from the study of artefacts and ‘ cultures ’ based on them which had developed in the absence of such dating methods , to a more all-embracing study of past human societies .
4 There has been some concern that several teachers took tickets to sell but failed to let know whether or not they had sold them which made catering difficult .
5 WZ966 , WZ967 and WZ968 had had several modifications done to them which included removing the gun turrets from the fuselage and fitting extra aerials .
6 In a sense he was singing siren songs to that part of himself which had got stuck in the old , dead forms , where the artist mattered more than the content .
7 She had recorded in her journal everything which had happened to her since she had arrived in London and she wanted no prying eyes to read what she had written .
8 The catalyst for everything which had happened had been Simon , she brooded .
9 She felt cornered , counted out by this cool precision , fighting for something which had given every sign of gracious flowering … from time to time .
10 And intermarriage is something which had characterized the age of the tyrants , epitomized by the party given by Kleisthenes of Sikyon for his daughter Agariste 's suitors ( Hdt. vi .
11 Her beauty had been something which had filled even herself with wonder ; sometimes in the privacy of her own room she would gaze at some part of herself , at a hand , say , or a breast , and the perfection of its shape would fill her with joy , as if it were not a part of herself but some natural object of beauty .
12 But Lewis 's friends sensed , from this period onwards , something which had begun half as a tease hardening into an attitude .
13 In addition to securing Commonwealth support for their position , the British sought to consolidate their own aviation policy into some definable form , something which had eluded them for several years .
14 She was drawn towards the resilience of a man who offered the possibility of providing something which had eluded her during childhood — the exclusive love of a parent .
15 This friend suggested that there might be something which had happened at an earlier stage in Kirsty 's life which was causing her health to deteriorate now .
16 During the course of this session , I repeatedly reminded her of the fact that she was seeing something which had happened some time ago and that time had proved her recovery to be complete — something which had been born out by the numerous examinations and X-rays she had since undergone .
17 Newspapers tended to get into trouble with governments , something which had happened before independence and since .
18 Taken together , all these factors allowed a greater breathing space for a consideration of Europe , especially as the democracies had entered a period of unprecedented economic prosperity , something which tended to demote the urgency of protection for specific national interests .
19 The lesson , I think , there is to pick a course that will create the sort of environment in which performance can be maximised , rather than to pick something which appeared to have more vocational use , but may not be as good for the individual student as a course that he or she will enjoy .
20 Around Leeds in 1787 an eight-hour day was the norm , with no sign yet of the twelve- hour one which had become common by 1842 .
21 The decision was an uncomfortable one which had troubled Ministers over several months and caused dissension in the Labour Party .
22 Jarvis 's train set , the one which had diverted him from his mother 's grief on the day her father hanged himself , was laid out on the floor in Lower Six , a classroom on the top floor , and Jarvis had told Jasper he could play with it whenever he liked .
23 Of all the cricket biographies as yet unwritten , this seems to have been the one which had stored in it potentially the greatest degree of ‘ human interest ’ .
24 She was at least the image of an injured Stealer , blackened and fused by fire , one which had lost some appendages , perhaps lasered off , perhaps in an explosion ; a Stealer which still remained very much alive and able to use its deadly main claws .
25 No. 65 was used for this run ; it was the one which had made the trials on Anerley Hill before public service commenced .
26 But he could be ready for anything ; for the churches which had abandoned him ; for the churches like the Philippian one which had continued to care ; for hunger ; for plenty ; for the times when he had no obvious human support , and for the times when his fellow believers came and gave him encouragement .
27 It was that dream again — the one which had haunted her sleep almost every night for the past three weeks .
28 And now there was another doubt : the new element which Surere had introduced — contact with the ghost of the dead king — was not only the one which had triggered Huy 's decision to tell Merymose all he knew ; but also the one which might exempt Surere from any blame .
29 A forty-year madness , he had called it , one which had laid waste the best years of her young life ; yet he was back in the thick of his obsession now , and so elated by his own recent progress that he lacked the time to ask about her own .
30 This betrayal appears to have provoked a large-scale opposition — as it were , an alternative ‘ fundamentalist ’ priesthood , militantly at odds with the established one which had prostituted itself to an illegitimate king .
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