Example sentences of "[pron] had been on " in BNC.

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1 The next morning , when I had been on the move for half an hour , I came across a shack to the left of the road , looking like two different sized cartons glued together side by side .
2 I was seated next to Professor St John Goth , as I had been on the previous night ; Dominic and Lee were opposite , and Mr and Mrs Maclean from Stirling were on my right .
3 It was the first time we had managed to get eight aircraft into the air in one formation in the nearly two months I had been on the island .
4 Within a week , I received a duplicated form to fill in stating all my details and demanding proof that I had been on that flight .
5 If I had been on my own I probably would not have done it . ’
6 As I had been on the medical side since he came back , this was the first time he had spoken to me , or probably seen me .
7 A week earlier Steve and I had been on our way to the summit of Ultar with a pair of 150 foot ropes .
8 The last time I had been on Shunner Fell two years previously I had been walking the Pennine Way and had left Tan Hill on a rainy June day , with heavy clouds following me south as I travelled .
9 I had been on low-calorie diets and diets out of newspapers , but I just could not stick to them .
10 I had been on diets and to put it in context , over twenty years I 've lost a hundred and twenty stone !
11 My appearance showed that I had been on the surface — and the officials were kind enough to put some healants on my ( superficial ) burns while they sent mandroids to check my story .
12 S and er two or three friends , oh I , I had been on a number of cruises before that , to Germany , to Norway and Sweden , to Denmark .
13 I had been on all the northern capitals .
14 I had been on the borders of a virtually unexplored land inhabited by dangerous , untouched tribes .
15 I had been on one of these camps before so I thought that I knew what to expect .
16 Many of the villages which had been on the line of march were still depressed ; Hurstpierpoint was worth a third of what it had paid in the days of the Confessor .
17 At the Victorian picture sales at Sotheby 's on 12 November and Christie 's on 13 November , buyers tended to stay away from works which had been on the market in recent years .
18 A number of museums wanted the works , some of which had been on loan to The Metropolitan .
19 Roof trusses , which had been on a two week delivery when we enquired , were three to four weeks delivery when we ordered them .
20 UPH 's shareholders may wonder why Desmond spent £4.4m of their money on a site which had been on offer for £2.7m .
21 The news broadcast had moved on to other matters now ; the loss of contact between Earth Central and a Space Fleet flotilla which had been on its way to intercept a supposed alien fleet near Epsilon Eridani .
22 The rail tanker , which had been on route from Ince to Sellafield , was quickly moved into sidings while fire crews and specialists from Kemira , who were transporting the nitric acid , were called in .
23 The rail tanker , which had been on route from Ince to Sellafield , was quickly moved into sidings while fire crews and specialists from Kemira , who were transporting the nitric acid , were called in .
24 If he 'd had the money to choose a more experienced barrister , if the Marshal himself had been on the spot in the first place instead of that young fool student , Bacci , who fancied himself as some sort of Hollywood detective , probably have shot himself accidentally by this time … whole thing had been a mess from start to finish …
25 She had been on the very edge of the steep hills which surround the basin in which Orvieto sits ; and the basin itself was alive and moving , swirling with smoke , with smoky white mists which filled it almost to the brim .
26 In practice , she learnt to ski ; but it was the first time she had been away from her friends and family , the first time she had been on a plane , the first time she had been abroad , and she was desperately unhappy .
27 She had been on the platform for my speech but used distinctive words of her own .
28 She had been on a bus once and had seen Simon in a posh car pulling out of an ‘ executive ’ housing estate opposite the boating lake .
29 In her desperation she had been on the point of walking out to the Lock but there was no need to do that now .
30 She had been on drugs then .
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