Example sentences of "[pron] they [vb base] a " in BNC.

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1 Lentils coming from Ethiopia , you get wheat from the States , rice from the States , ap apples from France , tea from India , coffee from Brazil and Columbia , sugar from the Windward Islands , bananas from all over the place , you know those are the things that keep us alive , no , you know , whether we one think they are or not , but I mean them things are what keeps the economy alive for one , it 's also what keeps us personally alive if you do n't know why we take an interest in Third World issues , I would say that it 's that , we 're dependent on these countries , we could produce enough foods for our own needs , but we would n't have oranges , coffee , tea , sugar , you know cos we ca n't grow them in this country we , we really depend on those things to stay alive , and for that reason alone we should have some kind of interest , if you went to Kenya for example they would be staggered at how little you know about their country given how much they know about yours they know a lot about this country , a lot of it is a bit loopy , but then what you know about their country is probably a bit off centre as well , and you know I hope that this is something that we 're reversing in this section , our perceptions of the Third World or the south or whatever we choose to call it , colour a lot of the things that we think and do and say and it increases the amount of racism that there is around us all , all those kind of things , erm and I think that it is really important to look at what a perception is , you know , for example what 's your perception of this ?
2 In their third year , students take a special topic on which they prepare a substantial piece of work .
3 In the third year , students choose a special subject which they study in depth and on which they prepare a substantial dissertation .
4 The trust is based at the restored railway station at Coalbrookdale , and on the site they have constructed a traditional cruck-framed barn , in which they hold a series of leisure courses on traditional crafts .
5 When they 're still children a mother or a whore gives them a piece of broken mirror in which they trap a ray of the sun and reflect it into one of the Palace windows .
6 The debate is now largely ‘ old hat ’ in the sociology of education and there is a general consensus that schools do indeed impart values , but these are usually modified or developed versions of already existing dominant values of the society of which they form a part , including a number of parental values .
7 Their views on questions of human aggression and violence therefore assume major importance in the moral community of which they form a part .
8 But language and interpretation assume a structure of values of which they form a part .
9 It would certainly include : the physical lay-out of the houses we live in and of the settlements of which they form a part ; the general pattern of conventional procedures by which foodstuffs and other necessities of life are produced and distributed and finally consumed ; the way children are brought up ; the way tasks are allocated to different members of the household ; the ideas we have about the nature of reality and of the cosmos , our sense of what is the proper way to behave towards kin and neighbours and persons in authority ; the kinds of clothes and the styles of language which are appropriate to different occasions , etc .
10 Suppose the pieces of the jigsaw start off in a box in the ordered arrangement in which they form a picture .
11 Although non-restrictive adjectives are therefore not necessary to the entity-identification achieved by the phrase of which they form a part , there is no particular mystery about their appearance .
12 Other crustal fragments , while appearing to be of more local origin , have , none the less , experienced significant horizontal displacement and rotation with respect to the plate of which they form a part .
13 They do not eat this material but chew it up to form a compost on which they cultivate a fungus .
14 Over-exploitation of rattan does not indicate a high ‘ conservation of resources ’ sense , nor does their attitude to animals , of which they keep a wide range of pets from rats to tigers .
15 Some people literally develop another life in which they display a side of themselves that would shock their pupils as much as their colleagues if they were to find out .
16 Many various-sized painted plaster images are on sale and quite a number with large pieces broken off are being brought back in torn imitation plastic leather bags , only to have it explained that the purchasers probably have not been confessing enough and absolution is only granted by their completing a 13-page questionnaire through which they get a special adhesive that breaks all mends .
17 Club members can provide help with Front of House , Bar and Foyer duties in return for which they receive a free ticket to the show .
18 Each member of the group , based in Woodbridge , has an area in which they take a special interest .
19 Yadav and Pope ( 1992b ) considered the suggestion that , when the index is rising , market makers will run down their holdings of the shares in which they make a market , and when the index is falling they will increase their holding of such shares .
20 Throughout , he is quiet and well mannered , but eventually he walks out on them , at which they make a big scene .
21 Checks are made at the pubs to see that the beer is actually drunk , as serious athletes have been known to let it spill down their vests to cool them off , for which they incur a two minute penalty .
22 That nearly all are impact craters is clear by comparison with the impact craters on the Moon , with which they bear a striking similarity .
23 Like the Howie Committee 's proposed SCOTCERT qualification , to which they bear a close resemblance , general SVQs offer a broadly-based general education with a vocational thrust .
24 Apart from simple evasive and defensive reactions , in which they play a dominant role , reflex arcs seem mainly to be involved in perfecting movements that are initiated by central mechanisms or in helping to maintain the nervous system in a state of adequate excitation .
25 These three disciplines sometimes relate to the objects of study ( physical , biological , human , etc. ) in the lowly status of ‘ service courses ’ , in which they play a limited functional role ( statistics for social scientists , computing for chemists , languages for management students ) .
26 Settlements can best be examined by considering personal injury claims , in which they play a major role , and which have been the subject of research and critical assessment .
27 And since the larger concept of " genre " , within which they play a part , is also problematic , my discussion of the two terms will be prefaced by a more general discussion of " genre " .
28 One of the most frightening aspects of all intelligence agencies is the manner in which they create a totally false brand of patriotism in order to further a particular cause on the spurious grounds that only they understand what needs to be done and should not be asked to account or explain for any of their actions which must remain secret for all time .
29 Just imagine the abuse with which they would be showered by people who would tell them : ‘ Since it is easily possible for the economy to grow at 4 , 5 , 6 per cent or any other figure you like , the public are being cheated of the growth of public expenditure which they have a right to enjoy by this niggardly Government which is only counting on being able safely to increase public expenditure at a rate of 2 to 2and1/2 ; per cent . ’
30 Given the culture in some countries , such as Germany , where banks readily give subsidised loans to industries in which they have a stake , it seems impossible to put an end to them .
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