Example sentences of "[pron] are put [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The only mercy is that most of them are put out of their misery before they 've lived a tenth of their natural lifespan .
2 I had a close look at that table , obviously a matter of some interest and that 's the reason I return to this , as I read the table , there is a very substantial amount of double counting within it , for this reason , that all outstanding er planning permissions are included once , and there are then separate categories of allowance for all types of sites , namely large windfalls , conversions , small sites , and allocated sites , those are all put in , er or most of them are put in at thirteen years worth , that being the remainder of the plan period to two thousand and six , it will not have escaped you that if you include thirteen years worth all the existing commissions are part of that thirteen years , and so simplest approach to correct that table would simply to discount the outstanding commitments , because they 're all counted again as part of the thirteen years , I do have a secondary point that the allowance for conversions is very much higher than what seems to be happening , and in what is in the tables that er Mr Thomas drew it to your attention from the York City er appendix eight , so that er on on two counts , but mainly the double counting one there is a great deal of er erm optimism , if I can call it that , in that table .
3 IT IS a rather puzzling irony that in a country where we are apparently so obsessed with our homes , such a huge proportion of our new houses are mass produced boxes which are put up speculatively by developers who have little knowledge of their end customers ' needs and requirements .
4 It is always worth taking a fresh look at the toys and apparatus which are put out daily , to decide just why they are there .
5 ‘ These men had terriers with them , which are put down setts in illegal badger hunting .
6 He said : ‘ These men had terriers with them which are put down setts in illegal badger hunting .
7 Then she went on and dedicated her song to all those men here tonight who are still hunting , all of those who are unhappy in love , all of those who are putting up with second best , all those who are not getting what they want .
8 A plan to restore the windows at a cost of DFl.1.2 million has been approved by the State Office for Monuments who are putting up the greater part of the necessary funds .
9 ‘ This is for people who are put out of their natural home without any living skills .
10 Just dial HOL 3434 , and you are put through to ‘ a very special weather expert watching a radar screen ’ .
11 We are putting on weight .
12 You have to make your own decision about the type of condoms you want , thinking about factors such as the way they smell and taste ( if you want to use a condom in oral sex ) , how easy they are to put on and how they feel during sex , what they feel like , how much they cost and so on .
13 Instead they are to put on , as if it were a suit of new clothes , the new humanity that Is brought to them in Christ and is constantly renewed by a deepening knowledge of Christ , into the Creator 's original image in man , a likeness to God himself : hence the ‘ compassion , kindness , lowliness , meekness , patience , forbearance ’ , love , peace and gratitude of which he goes onto speak ( Col. 3:1,5–16 ) .
14 Almost by definition the manufacturing assets of the company are out of date the moment they are put up , because of the march of technology ( the purpose of management is , after all , continually to improve things ) .
15 take the view that erm they are put up by the Council from time to time for various reasons .
16 Revised proposals are expected from the Commission later this year , before they are put back for a second reading at the European Parliament .
17 The screws they make are , are to be there in the body and the parts are in the bodies , but the bits they do n't use come back and then they are put back into stock again .
18 The floor is the worst place of all to store equipment such as typewriters , braillers or even piles of books , especially if they are put down on thoroughfares between desks or tables .
19 In fact , it is desirable that they should meet and get to know each other for a day or two over a safe fence ( possibly a mesh that a horse ca n't kick a leg through ) before they are put in with each other .
20 What I say about it is that if they are put off they should phone the police .
21 Compulsory competitive tendering will be abolished , but the Quality Commission will have the power , where services have broken down , to insist that they are put out to tender , with contractors required to meet conditions such as quality thresholds and fair employment .
22 Fortunately for some in the audience the soppy songs in Benny Green 's reworking of George Bernard Shaw 's 100-year-old romantic comedy You Never Can Tell act as an anaesthetic and they are put out of their misery long before the interval .
23 Immigration officers are so pleased with it that they are putting up more , along the Arizona-Mexico border .
24 The money they are putting back in is money they are taking out , through cuts in funding of the Royal Hospital , the Home Help service , the social fund and the health service in general .
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