Example sentences of "[pron] he [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Because here you have an opportunity to go launch yourself onto a self employed erm platform and can not provide a better platform for that and I would say that would n't I he 's thinking .
2 Who wants to hear about brave deeds when he 's ashamed of his own , and who likes an open , honest tale from someone he 's deceiving ?
3 There was someone he was trying to forget .
4 ‘ Henriss … never liked him either ; fat lipped beggar … queer , y'know ; thass wha he 's singing you know ; d' you know that ?
5 Or , at least , if that is not himself he is playing , then some aspect of himself .
6 Houghton convinced himself he was searching so avidly for the match that he was almost willing himself to find it .
7 Estabrook watched the smoke drift up over the assassin 's grey eyes , and before he could prevent himself he was telling his story , the rules he 'd drawn for this exchange forgotten .
8 He told himself he was behaving like a fool , that his suspicions were groundless , but he did n't believe what he told himself any more .
9 In the 1950s Willie had watched Ben Hogan practising for the Open , and he had promised himself he was going to carry for someone like him .
10 the occupier of premises does not owe any such duty to a trespasser : he does not owe to the trespasser a duty to take such care as in all the circumstances of the case is reasonable to see that the trespasser will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the purposes for which he is trespassing .
11 Thus if at this moment someone said something to me about " that ugly little statue on your fireplace " and accompanied this with an appropriate gesture , I should have little difficulty in identifying the object to which he is referring , but identification may not be so easy if a reference is made to an object that is not accessible to immediate perception , or of which I have no knowledge whatever .
12 If that is the report to which he is referring , when asked how I would react to a Select Committee report I said that it would depend on what it said .
13 God is establishing a Kingdom , therefore , into which he is calling people from every country , race and class .
14 This flows from the assumptions made by the model of perfect competition that the individual entrepreneur maximizes his profits , that there is a price taker and that there is freedom of entry and exit from the industry in which he is producing goods .
15 Firstly , Dustin is hidden under a folding bed which he is repairing in readiness for his first sexual experience , and then he is off-camera , talking to his parents , in the one comic-satiric scene that Woody Allen might not have disowned .
16 In another ear the sole consultant ophthalmologist has resigned from the district general hospital and bought a caravan which he is using to provide private consultations at fundholding practices .
17 This remark , occurring as it does in a passage in which he is distinguishing between the grounds of the class metal ( ‘ the possession of certain common peculiarities ’ ) and those of the class sensation of white ( ‘ nothing but resemblance ’ ) clearly implies that if I had had no other sensations of white I could not assert the proposition ‘ This is a sensation of white ’ with the meaning it has when I have had such sensations .
18 He has put down a Commons motion condemning the Defence Secretary for ‘ the arbitrary action which he is taking to extinguish the ancient rights of common [ … ] for political reasons to prevent the women 's peace camp from continuing their peaceful demonstrations ’ .
19 Chairman David Deas F thanked the Practice Committees for their hard work in contributing comments , which he is taking forward to the Institute 's Policy and Finance Committee .
20 Does he think that he is doing a good job in alerting the country to the rapid rate of convergence at which he is aiming in the exchange rate mechanism and the possible move towards European monetary union ?
21 The great virtue of the N & P service is that the customer hears the price at which he is dealing , at the time it happens .
22 By ‘ accepted meaning ’ I am referring to one accepted by participants in the phenomena — it is clearly constituted for Barthes as an interpretation against which he is speaking .
23 ‘ 1(2) In determining whether a person is a fit and proper person to hold any particular position , regard shall be had to his probity , to his competence and soundness of judgement for fulfilling the responsibilities of that position , to the diligence with which he is fulfilling or likely to fulfil those responsibilities and to whether the interests of depositors or potential depositors of the institution are , or are likely to be , in any way threatened by his holding that position .
24 Does he accept that that single-minded attitude about which he is boasting is the curse of British manufacturing industry ?
25 The interpretation of wrestling that I treat here as ‘ accepted ’ is presented in Barthes 's own utterance as an absent speech with which he is dissenting — without its existence there would be no need for his interpretation because the meaning of ‘ wrestling ’ would not be an issue .
26 Around the inner compound of his ranch house , Goldsmith has built a moat in which he is sheltering a large number of crocodiles — a notoriously threatened species .
27 The difference between the rhetorical and social representational approaches can be illustrated by considering a quotation from Moscovici ( 1984 ) , in which he is discussing the social nature of social representations : ‘ The word ‘ social ’ was meant to indicate that representations are the outcome of an unceasing babble and a permanent dialogue between individuals , a dialogue that is both internal and external , during which representations are echoed or complemented ’ ( Moscovici , 1984 : 950 ) .
28 I think once more , but now for the last time , I 'm going to turn back again to the preface to The Reason of Church Government and whoops and read you one more sentence erm in which he is apologizing once more for having entered the fray , the political fray ‘ But although a poet , soaring in the high region of his fancies , with his garland and singing robes about him , might without apology speak more of himself than I mean to do , yet for me , sitting here below in the cool element of prose , a mortal thing among many readers of no imperial conceit , to venture and divulge unusual things of myself , I shall petition to the gentler sort it may not be envy to me . ’
29 So although there is not as yet any definitive question , any definitive answer to this same question which was raised by Mr a couple of years ago , it is under consideration and we would hope that the sort of answer which he is hoping for might be forthcoming from that source .
30 Viscount Parker is afraid that if he were to open up his land , much of the flora and wildlife would suffer , including buzzards and also red kites , which he is hoping will soon be re-established in the area .
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