Example sentences of "[pron] i [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone I know at home is either here , or has been here .
2 … The horoscope in the Queen prophesies disaster for nearly everyone I know on the 16th of this month ( with the New Moon ) .
3 To everyone I know under the age of 35 , it is prehistory .
4 I concede that it will do for judging in retrospect the spontaneity beyond the margins of my rationality , as when jumping like an instinctive animal for the side of the road , and for such primitive choices as the child 's refusal of another helping ; but I continue to insist that at the centre of me I differ from the child in having escaped being restricted to choice between spontaneous goals .
5 Mummy and me I like in the morning
6 and me I like in the morning
7 I mean if if I 'd done that this morning and I 'd written it all up before you came in and then said well what we 've done is this and then we did that and then we did that but as as it was generated as we discussed then then you were with me I hope at the way it went
8 I pull the Daily Telegraph out of my coat pocket and as Dixie explained to me I point to an article on the front page .
9 said to me I 've of told you to take half an hour so actually
10 From what he told me I know for a fact the IRA did n't use Mick during their bombing campaign in England at the beginning of the war . ’
11 If you 're leaving the choice to me I vote for Leonora .
12 ‘ You must get your loyalties right and if Nigel wants me I ride for him .
13 but to me I look at the , I call patterned carpets all the flowers and
14 ‘ My nieces also tell me I live in the Mughal age , ’ he replied .
15 ( When you touch me I think of Lowell .
16 In Romans 12:3 Paul says , ‘ For by the grace given me I say to every one of you : Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought , but rather think of yourself with sober judgment , in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you . ’
17 But there were some like me I suppose on the other side .
18 ‘ There 's nothing I feel like doing , ’ he persisted .
19 Already on the day following Neddy 's pronouncement the industrial correspondent of The Times , whom I take as a representative of respectable opinion , was ecstatic with metaphors .
20 I shall single out those writers whom I take to be the most significant among contemporary anti-individualist social scientists ; I shall examine in some detail the nature of the assumptions embedded in their practice ; and I shall seek to assess the coherence of the social explanations those assumptions lead them to produce .
21 The Opposition replied , ’ That was 10 years ago ’ , to which my hon. Friend the Member for Teignbridge ( Mr. Nicholls ) , whom I commend for this observation , said , that 10 years was a very long time for the Leader of the Opposition and 10 minutes was about the average length of every policy that he had put forward .
22 I intend to reinforce and highlight some of the recommendations that have been mentioned in many thoughtful contributions this afternoon and I will pose a series of questions to the Minister , whom I welcome to her first estimates debate .
23 The hon. Member for Knowsley , South ( Mr. O'Hara ) — whom I welcome to the Chamber — missed that point in Committee , where we enjoyed the confusion that reigned on the Opposition Benches in respect of this issue .
24 As a mere imperfect mortal , I find myself working twice as hard to introduce those whom I like to the Lord .
25 as I say , the majority of the people whom I come in contact with , they 're just people .
26 Mr. Tom Andrews , whom I remember as a very old man , had worked at The White Hart Hotel and even in his old age was in demand if a ham had to be sliced for a wedding or similar function .
27 I remember ringing Campbell McAlpine , to whom I turn at times of crisis .
28 But to say that I have had an experience of God , whom I claim to be a transcendent being outside myself , can not be self-authenticating .
29 Second , there are ‘ effective ’ kin , the people with whom I keep in contact at a minimal level .
30 ‘ Tomorrow morning , ’ he said , ‘ I have to make my closing speech in defence of a man who is on a murder charge , and whom I know for certain to be innocent .
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