Example sentences of "[pron] it [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We went and did that ourselves it needed that concerted effort .
2 It does n't on yours it does all this , before you can get into print .
3 Erm the second point I 'd like to make is er we danced round this phrase presumption this morning , I 've tried to avoid using it because its its it gets all sorts of er connotations going .
4 When banks withdraw funds , the Bank of England relieves the resulting discount market shortage at that rate of interest which it thinks appropriate , nudging rates upwards perhaps to reduce the demand for bank lending or lowering them to counteract a rising exchange rate .
5 The court , when hearing the petition , may dismiss the petition , adjourn the hearing , or make any order which it thinks fit .
6 With regard to his consecration , the only controversial question which it raised concerned his relationship with the archbishop of York who consecrated him , and this will be discussed below in the context of the Primacy .
7 It is presumably used by species in which it takes two adults to provide for the young .
8 Like the Middle East Commandos from which the bulk of the unit originated , the SBS never quite obtained the recognition it deserved , being little known even within the theatre in which it spent most of the war .
9 In analysing the ideology of the underground , recent work has underlined the extent to which it reflected social change and popular pressure within Russia .
10 Thus , the wizened old woman of ‘ Col Tempo ’ from the Accademia is shown in the same room as Leonardo 's drawings of grotesque heads , to which it bears little resemblance .
11 Kibbutzim , to which it bears most resemblance , do not ; nor do the traditional Eskimo communities .
12 When the larva is about to shed its skin and change into a pupa ( which it does prior to emerging as a real fly ) , it exudes a sticky fluid .
13 The rate at which it does this is measured as a " time constant " — defined as the time it takes for the output to return 63 per cent of the way to baseline , after a shift in input voltage level .
14 Two recent attempts to invoke the EEC competition rules before the English courts were : Shearson Lehman 's attempt to prevent the London Metal Exchange fixing a closing-out price for tin contracts in existence as the time of the collapse of the tin market ; and Macarthy PLC 's attempt to obtain an injunction restraining a share allocation and discount scheme introduced by a pharmaceutical wholesaler , which it alleged distorted competition .
15 The Government 's green paper on the future of the BBC spoke inspiringly of the particular needs and interests of the UK 's constituent nations , which it said any recast structure should reflect .
16 Electricity continued to replace steam-powered mechanical drives , and the subdivision of power which it made possible remained a fundamentally attractive characteristic .
17 This head felt that the re-expression and development of ideas which IT made possible allowed every pupil the chance to have second thoughts .
18 So is an appendix devoted to the umpires , from which it emerges that of the list of 31 only six have not been first-class cricketers : a healthy ratio surely .
19 Current alliances include the agreement under which it manufactures some microprocessors under licence from Intel Corp , its joint venture with Siemens AG and Toshiba Corp on memory chips , and the PowerPC alliance with Motorola Inc , and its less well-defined agreements with SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV .
20 In the course of the day the UK government announces increases in base rate from 10 to 12 , and then to 15 per cent effective Sept. 17 , in unsuccessful efforts to defend the value of sterling , then withdraws sterling from the ERM , allowing its value to " float " ( as a result of which it falls some 10 per cent against the deutschmark to below DM2.52 by the end of September ) , and cuts base rate to 12 per cent .
21 The differences between quotation and paraphrase can be seen in the following contrasting examples : Quotation " One of the most striking things about detective fiction " , Patricia Craig argues in her critical introduction to English detective stories , " is the ease with which it accommodates all kinds of topical ideologies . "
22 BA has invested £20m of its own money in the venture , of which it owns 31 p.c. , but says that further finance will come from Air Russia 's own resources , such as state loans and leasing .
23 It is , however , still very easy to pick up tufa from the latter on the coast of East Africa , to which it took 6 months to float across the Indian Ocean .
24 He made Joynson-Hicks ( good on penal reform but illiberal on all else ) Home Secretary , and thus firmly launched the Home Office , which had been different in the days of Harcourt , Asquith and Churchill , upon a course of dour obscurantism from which it took three or four decades to recover .
25 To me the Navy has always been unrivalled for the style in which it clothes ceremonial occasions , and these dinners , from the entry of the President 's party heralded by nautical airs from the marine band , to the ritual procession of the baron of beef through to the ( sometimes seated ) loyal toast , are no exception .
26 you know those orange drinks , which it says real oranges in nine times out of ten , it is n't there 's always some additives and what have you
27 The really intriguing historical problems , which await further investigation , concern the manner in which policy-makers reacted to this inaccurate information in determining policy and the way in which it affected external relations , especially with international financial institutions , in particular the International Monetary Fund .
28 It is a strong , resilient , twisted rope to which the baby is attached in the womb , and through which it receives all nourishment until birth , when the cord is severed .
29 The Commission is planning a last-ditch battle to defend tax proposals which it considers essential for completion of the 1992 internal market programme .
30 At issue is one small , but key part of the European Commission 's plan for an alignment of Value Added Tax ( VAT ) and Excise rates in the 12 member states , which it considers essential if frontier checks on traders are to be abolished after 1992 .
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