Example sentences of "[pron] was [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly I was on first names terms .
2 I was at first .
3 In Maymyo I was at first rather at a loose end , for most of the civilian families had left , and the Establishment chaplain was there to carry on the church services and to look after the few people left .
4 Years later I was at first comforted to read that an adult man could express similar sentiments about himself : ‘ When I consider others I can easily believe that their bodies express their personalities and that the two are inseparable .
5 On the conscious level I was at first glad to get back to school for the summer term .
6 Having negotiated the pitch with difficulty in the wet , I was at first relieved at having passed beneath the boulder and looking forward to an easy scramble to the top when I came across another difficult pitch .
7 Which shows how cool I was at first .
8 Being by nature fairly cautious and sometimes reluctant to adapt to change , I was at first somewhat bemused by an array of unfamiliar terms — competence elements , HN units , performance criteria .
9 When I read it , I was at first very put off , but I 'm glad I persevered , as in the end I was quite charmed , and thought it contained some very shrewd observations , too .
10 And it was either thinking about the wage packet at end of week which I was at first .
11 The Brotherhood has immense economic power which was at first based on its control of the ground-nut trade but later on a diversified portfolio of business interests , many of them urban .
12 Their parents spent three years contemplating whether or not to go through with the separation , which was at first thought impossible because of the degree to which the girls were joined .
13 It showed a radiopaque object , which was at first difficult to identify .
14 This was Albrecht Ritschl 's The Christian Doctrine of Justification and Reconciliation , which came out in three volumes between 1870 and 1874 and launched the movement which was at first called ‘ the Ritschlian theology ’ , but is now generally labelled ‘ Liberal Theology ’ .
15 Robert Hibbert had died in 1849 leaving money for religious purposes , which was at first applied to theological education .
16 The iron pricker which was at first common was replaced by brass or copper .
17 For several years she had suffered from painful endometriosis , which was at first misdiagnosed and then treated unnecessarily by surgery .
18 She was at first misunderstood .
19 She was at first incensed at the idea — as if she had no more to do than pack up guns , as if it were an easy matter to send such an object at all , as if she existed only for his convenience — and then amused .
20 She was at first sight a cheerful figure , a plump woman of 65 who wore a brightly patterned dress and whose curly hair showed around the front of her white scarf .
21 It is not unlikely that he was the same man as Barates the Palmyrene whose wife Regina was buried at South Shields ; a Catuvellaunian by birth , she was at first his slave before he freed and married her .
22 In eighteen thirty one Charlotte was sent to the , to Roe Head School at Murfield She was at first homesick , but eventually carried off three prizes .
23 She was in first thing , I mean I sent it off that evening she was in first thing the next morning yes that 's fine .
24 She was in first thing , I mean I sent it off that evening she was in first thing the next morning yes that 's fine .
25 Increasingly candidates thought able enough were entered for O and even A levels ( and rightly , because there was at first no other examination for them to take ) and when the CSE examination was introduced for those thought not to be up to O level , the top grade of CSE was soon deemed to count as an O level , and thus itself to aspire to the academic .
26 There was at first some confused skirmishing over the actual terms of the Charter — the College 's solicitor , Mr France , had apparently not seen some amendments and had agreed to others from the practitioners ' side without fully informing either the College professors or William Dick .
27 There was at first little to engage his political interest , but this changed after Eden 's resignation in February 1938 .
28 I had started at the Royal College of Music , and the atmosphere there was at first hostile to volunteering .
29 This is probably why , even when a ‘ school ’ of Cubist painting came into existence , there was at first very little Cubist sculpture .
30 I could n't see who it was at first , then I realised it was my husband .
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