Example sentences of "[pron] is [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 I find the remark significant for the assumption which is made that there was nothing harmful about the previous view of the relation between men and women ; indeed the previous view may have accorded with the divine will and our present outlook not .
2 Primarily , though by no means exclusively , it is the English middle class which , somewhat self-consciously , ‘ appreciates ’ the countryside — and which is determined that others will not ‘ spoil ’ it for them .
3 The first is traditionalism , by which is meant that Conservatives have an attachment to established customs and institutions , and , as a corollary , a hostility to ‘ sudden , precipitate and revolutionary change ’ .
4 By which is meant that they have developed their ability to focus both senses and mind upon a thought process .
5 Used alone they exhibit a specific characteristic known as inverse solubility by which is meant that as temperature increases they drop out of solution contrary to expected behaviour .
6 Before grapes are allowed the full AOC status of Champagne , the vines from which they come , whether situated in a virgin vineyard or an old one just replanted , must attain their ‘ third leaf ’ , by which is meant that the plants , having produced foliage for the third time , will be three years old .
7 The second area is that of public relations , by which is meant that good public relations exercises , as opposed to advertising , on the part of both individual lawyers and the professional bodies themselves should be encouraged .
8 The European programme is , like the US Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile ( GOSIP ) effort , mandatory , and its is expected that most government buyers will follow the guidelines because they will have to give and explain reasons for non-standard purchases .
9 Traditionally , her top class has spent a residential week at Paignton Zoo and she is determined that , given the restriction on charging for activities within school hours , the tradition will be maintained ad infinitum .
10 Need it be a matter of wonder , when we see her capable of such restraint in general , that she should retire within herself and exercise that control we find her continually exerting over all her thoughts and actions the more energetically at a time when she is taught that a stray thought of desire would be impurity and its fruition pollution .
11 Helping an elderly woman to adjust and to find a new identity is never easy , but it can nearly always be achieved if she is shown that she is still loved and needed , by her family and friends .
12 He said : ‘ What is the housewife going to do when she is told that the price of her electricity has now reached 10 pence per unit .
13 She is told that if she catches sight of him when he visits her in the darkness , he will leave her .
14 They are now to be taken under the jurisdiction of the Queen , who is determined that they will be protected from the emotional mayhem currently being created by their parents .
15 Any employee who is told that he must lose his job through no fault of his own is likely to ask , ‘ Why me ? ’
16 The museum visitor who is told that some fleas can jump 130 times their own height simply has no idea where to go from that point onwards .
17 From one 's earliest years one is taught that the showing of emotion publicly is ‘ bad form ’ .
18 When the work of loading the vans and trucks commences , one is persuaded that the chaotic array will never be reduced to order .
19 Occasionally , when Karajan has conducted an Offenbach overture with unusual verve and power , one is reminded that Bismarck was one of the Frenchman 's greatest admirers ; but inasmuch as Karajan 's own personality seeps into his conducting of comic music , it is a certain mordancy of spirit that shines through .
20 Prediction is inaccurate , and one is reminded that economic recovery has been forecast for years by a party in government that is supposed to have great financial expertise .
21 It is related that Annia Galeria Faustina , the wife of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius ( 121–180 ) , was so desperate to become pregnant that she drank the warm blood of a dead gladiator .
22 However , if you receive a groin kick and it is discovered that you are not wearing a guard , then you will automatically be disqualified , regardless of whose fault the low kick was !
23 When it is discovered that the combination of certain proportions of charcoal , sulphur and saltpetre produces disagreeable results , then there is no reason why the benefits of gunpowder should be restricted to China .
24 But when it is discovered that a substance harms women 's reproductive health , women of childbearing age are usually kept from jobs that might expose them to it .
25 If it turns out that this is not the case , if it is discovered that the prohibition denies the would-be rapists more of a chance to pursue the good life than it gives their possible victims , then one may have to adjust other features of the political framework to make sure that this does not result in inequality of ability to pursue one 's conception of the good .
26 However , where it is discovered that the tax law does not have the effect that the Government and taxpayers generally thought it had , there are circumstances in which it is right to introduce legislation to restore the position retrospectively to what it was thought to be .
27 Years later it is discovered that Grom reached the Elven Kingdoms of Ulthuan , causing great destruction until finally defeated by the High Elves .
28 When the sentence has been passed , possibly ( as the sentencer indicated in this case ) with the benefit of some mitigation , it is discovered that the means to pay either did not exist or have in one way or another disappeared .
29 This goal is about to be reached when it is discovered that a great deal more investment is required .
30 I do not believe it is disputed that this factor has been powerfully in operation recently .
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