Example sentences of "[pron] [adv prt] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 It throws a much colder light on those satisfaction ratings if , unlike in their relationships with their accountants , clients are basing them on just the service delivered during a one-off transaction .
2 I certainly advise you to keep asking questions throughout because as I say although they 're speaking in a very very general way the often slip up and give you a particular that you can take advantage and if you lead them on then the more information is available to you .
3 Time does n't worry them in nearly the same way .
4 Sometimes he does , just before he goes to bed but you have to put them in just the right place .
5 But using them in exactly the way suggested will increase your skills .
6 Kirov crouched at his side , removing a couple of pins and replacing them in exactly the same position .
7 When you have finished with the works clean them in exactly the same way .
8 The next step up is the hundreds , and you use them in exactly the same way , one twice a week .
9 When Mr. Millan was Secretary of State for Scotland he administered them in exactly the same way as that for which he criticises us .
10 Unfortunately it would appear , or perhaps fortunately , depending on , on one 's views , erm , the policy has always been quite clear , that we should treat them in exactly the same way as we treat the independent sector , and that there would be an arm 's length independent inspection , that has now been made explicitly clear that that is the requirement , and therefore you would have to withdraw that and say that if there is a requirement to find a further two hundred and fifty thousand pounds ' worth of savings , we will have to go and identify another area rather than that .
11 We just do n't seem to be able to track them down or attract them in quite the same way , so there is a massive practical problem if you want them to have a voice in how things are done , there 's no doubt about that .
12 To gain information from sites and finds , they have to be treated as evidence , and information has to be deduced from them in much the same way as a detective uses forensic evidence .
13 This obsession — and one can , I think , rightly call it that — involved me in probably the most embarrassing event of my professional life .
14 Perhaps you can see that this must mean that interchanging the two particles must leave me in exactly the same physical state .
15 So I was close by and so they sent me in so the way I , I got dressed up in the minister 's cassock , and I got in revised the books of Genesis , like through and I get genned up to be a minister and I took in a bible and er well anyway I killed five men and they got out alive .
16 I out there the next day and all that was showing above the water was the mast .
17 it was a chap that was a smithy and they got to choose when they were in their in either the harvest or one season at the fishing .
18 Outside the meeting can I just say I 'm getting some of the new screening sheets through , you know first , but people do n't seem to know what they 're supposed to do with them and their in exactly the same position that they were before .
19 He blows himself up so the snake ca n't get hold of him . ’
20 No-one ever explained how Kleine , who was too drunk to walk , managed to string himself up early the following morning .
21 And I 've nothing to report to you on either the buses or the trains . .
22 And I 've nothing to report to you on either the buses or the trains .
23 And it 's not been too bad in the rush hour on the er local public transport ; I 've no problems to report to you on either the buses or the trains .
24 In effect they will be assessing you in much the same way that you make your own self-assessment and then trying to match you to jobs in the way that you should do when applying for jobs directly .
25 The water company then charges you in much the same way as the gas and electricity companies do .
26 when you get and what have you in then the officers , I mean I know they 're in their twenties when they get larking about and what have you I do n't like it .
27 Let's retrieve the other one back again the numbers
28 The water-keeper escorted me back up the lane .
29 It turned out that she lived in some place called Romford and as she was due to take me back there the day after the funeral I had only been left with a few hours to make a decision .
30 they all queue up , they 're not gon na let me out though the bastards
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