Example sentences of "[pron] [is] the first " in BNC.

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1 If yours is the first winning entry out of the hat then we 'll be in touch right away .
2 Total amount missing is close on fifteen grand and yours is the first to turn up . ’
3 According to Jewish calculation , the year of Leonard 's birth was 5694 , in the month of Tishri ( the biblical name is Ethanim ) , which is the first month of the religious year with several of the most important religious festivals in it : New Year 's Day itself ; the 10 Days of Penitence prior to Yom Kippur ( the Day of Atonement ) ; and the pilgrimage festival known as Succoth , also known as the Feast of Booths ( or Tabernacles or Ingathering ) which is a harvest festival , an especially colourful and joyous one traditionally , in which the priestly activities in the Temple climaxed .
4 The legislation , which is the first of its kind in the common-law world , was seen as clarifying and putting the law beyond doubt , rather than making new law .
5 WHICH IS THE FIRST day of the week ?
6 The answer to the second question must surely be that if there is a trust at all ( which is the first question ) , then because of the word omnia it is a trust of everything Pamphilus receives .
7 One official told the conference : ‘ It 's the military which is the first to make concrete use of fundamental research ’ .
8 Since its launch last May Convex has received 25 firm orders for the C3800 , which is the first computer to use GaAs instead of silicon chips .
9 Fertilization consists of the coming together of the two sets of chromosomes , 23 paternal and 23 maternal ones , so providing a new set of 46 chromosomes ‘ yoked together ’ in the zygote , which is the first cell of the new individual .
10 Thanks for a great mag , which is the first thing I grab on my trips home , being a subscriber !
11 Mapping of the Shaftesbury ( 313 ) sheet , which is the first phase of the 3 phase Wessex Basin project , was completed in 1990 .
12 ‘ Honour your father and-mother ’ — which is the first commandment with a promise — ‘ that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth . ’
13 The Japanese Forum for Citizens ' Television ( FCT ) has issued a Charter of Television Viewers ' Rights , which is the first of its kind in Japan .
14 The package , which is the first of its kind , includes : lesson plans for basic media literacy concepts ; sample sessions for a variety of pastoral settings ; 20-minute video overview ; theological reflection ; background preparation for leaders ; hundreds of resource ideas , and group activities for all ages .
15 At 0749 Fuchida sent the signal ‘ To-to-to ’ which is the first syllable in Japanese for ‘ charge ’ meaning the raid was on .
16 ‘ We had hoped that the end of the year — 1992 — which is the first part of our financial year ( CGI ends its fiscal year on August 31 ) , would signal a recovery , but although the first two months — September and October — improved on the year before , they were followed by November and December , which were less and less good , ’ said Robert Mallet , president-director general of the group .
17 Sequent Computer Systems Inc , Beaverton , Oregon , has introduced DecisionPoint/Relational Query System which is the first in the series of announcements that will bundle the Sequent hardware with third party software intended to fill a specific niche market .
18 On arrival at Edinburgh Airport , two Landrovers awaited us and our luggage , and we drove as fast as we could to Gleneagles , to try to be in time for the Moët et Chandon reception which is the first party of the Rolex-Jackie Stewart Challenge weekend ; this was timed for 8pm !
19 Team 1 says a letter which is the first letter of a word they have in mind .
20 It gets its name from what you can see in the far distance , provided the weather is right , which is the first peaks of the real Pyrenees .
21 This is the ‘ truest cause ’ of Thuc. i.23 , a famous and deeply original statement which is the first conscious attempt to develop a theory of historical causation : ‘ The truest cause ’ , he says , ‘ was one not much admitted at the time : it was the growth of Athenian power , which frightened the Spartans and forced them to war .
22 That rule , which is the first of the rules dealing with Lautro 's intervention powers , authorises the board : ‘ In any case where it appears to them that it is desirable in the interests of investors … ’ to exercise their powers of intervention .
23 Beneath it , at the water 's edge , was a single dom tree , the split palm tree which is the first sign of Upper Egypt .
24 And you go to the , the dole office and they have all the alphabet out there , and you , you go for the letter which is the first letter of your last name .
25 It 's telling you how to get from your set , which is the first set we 're talking about , which is your name , to the second set which is which box you go to , in the , in the dole .
26 Mr Millan is speaking at a lunch to be held at the SAS Royal Hotel in Brussels to celebrate the new venture , which is the first official joint undertaking of the two law societies [ which represent solicitors in their two jurisdictions ] .
27 The Alexandra QC leaders said : ‘ We are very proud of the youngsters and we have had a very favourable feedback from the school on this , which is the first project of its kind . ’
28 Which is the first course ?
29 and a report by a Mr Fraser concerning the Bishop 's Castle Railway , which is the first of my articles concerning the Pepper Box .
30 If the choleretic response to feeding is mediated by a vago-bagal reflex , then it is likely that it relays in the solitary tract nucleus in the brainstem , which is the first relay nucleus for all afferent bisceral sensation .
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