Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Now Everyone Has Access to the Printer
2 She lowered her voice to a whisper , ‘ … you should know that everyone has access to every typewriter in the newsroom .
3 The control and communication functions of middle management become redundant when everyone has access to their own computer terminal .
4 Everyone has access to the whole system , both to see what 's going on and to contribute to change through Corrective Action and writing new procedures and instructions .
5 The point is not that everyone needs property to be free ; some people have little or no property but are not necessarily any the less free as a result .
6 What will happen to all those projects if none of them has access to the channel tunnel and to the rapid movement of freight and passengers around the London area ?
7 No-one has access to your thoughts , feelings and motives , only to your actions ( ie behaviour ) , and so unless you are open in revealing them , people are obliged to indulge in speculation .
8 I goes c'mere to your auntie Verena you 're giving wee Evita a showing up .
9 If someone causes offence to us ( ie Leeds supporters ) then they can be kicked off .
10 ( 1 ) The fact that someone prefers X to Y , as shown in their behaviour , is empirically ascertainable in a way in which the greater intensity or duration , or even very existence , of a private feeling of pleasure or pain is not .
11 The scroll they have with them allows entrance to that Tower , and is the only way out of this room .
12 Again the family may be introduced through an improvised story , perhaps one which involves attention to comparison in some way .
13 The scheme which offers help to people aged 70 and over discharged from the accident and emergency department has been run on short-term funding for over five years .
14 HELP cancer victim Janet Murray raise £50,000 for supplies of the drug Temozolomide which offers hope to brain tumour sufferers .
15 HELP cancer victim Janet Murray raise £50,000 for supplies of the drug Temozolomide which offers hope to brain tumour sufferers .
16 Interleukin-2 is a new treatment which offers hope to cancer patients for whom successful therapies are not available .
17 The training given by her mother 's Suzy Lamplugh Trust — which offers advice to women about safety — helped her to survive .
18 A helpline which offers advice to people in debt is being inundated by calls .
19 I could afford the naked women but not the naked scepticism , the carping and sniping and the public washing of dirty linen which represents freedom to an English editor .
20 ‘ Many of the items are one-offs , ’ said a spokesman for the Art Loss Register , which alerts dealers to stolen works .
21 The clause in a contract which refers matters to an expert for determination is known in this book as the " expert clause " .
22 For Kelsen , the dynamic principle is characteristic of legal positivism which understands law to be in some sense a product of human acts and decisions rather than a deduction from timeless and immutable principles .
23 Your Lordships then invited the parties to consider whether they wished to present further argument on the question whether it was appropriate for the House ( under Practice Statement ( Judicial Precedent ) [ 1966 ] 1 W.L.R. 1234 ) to depart from previous authority of this House which forbids reference to such material in construing statutory provisions and , if so , what guidance such material provided in deciding the present appeal .
24 Cutbacks meant abandoning plans for extra work such as installing mortar into internal walls and changes to the machinery which supplies air to the centre .
25 Fawley power station , which supplies electricity to the National Grid , operated at reduced capacity to avoid sucking up the oil in its water cooling system .
26 Susan Hickey , an executive of the Bonneville Power Administration , which supplies electricity to a number of North-West states , said that the organization had decided consciously to pay for conservation measures because they were the least expensive option .
27 The Severn Trent Water company , which supplies water to much of central England , has justified its recent unannounced addition of large amounts of chlorine to its water on the grounds that it was intended to counteract any possible terrorist action related to the Gulf conflict .
28 RENTAMINSTER , the third market company which supplies labour to the construction industry , has instituted court proceedings against Anthony Swales and dismissed him as a director of the company and its subsidary BES Construction Services .
29 The scheme reinforces the links between colleges and companies , and underlines the obvious point that the differences between full-time education including planned work experience , a training place which combines work-based learning with off-the-job training and education , and a job which guarantees access to further education are ones of shading and emphasis , not kind .
30 my Lord er , to only just final conclusions my Lord the first conclusion is that nothing in community law , nothing in the directives in the insurance companies act can be pointed to by which grants powers to them to regulate the insurance markets .
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