Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] used for " in BNC.

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1 There was a shortage of trained teachers and the planning of schools reflected this circumstance ; most of the instruction was done in a large school-room , off which there might be one or two classrooms which were used for teaching smaller groups .
2 The costumes for the Sadler 's Wells production were designed , at de Valois 's insistence , by Hedley Briggs , an old associate of hers , but they seem not to have differed materially from the ones by Hanns Ebensten which were used for the original Cape Town production .
3 She is a Rhodesian Ridgeback by breed and I resist the urgings of trendy ideologues who would rename these dogs which were used for lion hunting in East Africa .
4 Brabin J. commented on the site chosen for the defendant 's premises which were used for fat rendering , an offensive trade .
5 It was navigable by vessels of up to 90 tons , mostly keels which were used for transporting coal and lime to Leven and took away corn and various commodities made in the village such as candles , rope , and a certain type of brick .
6 Mixed institutions , the greater part of which were used for other than hospital purposes , were to remain with the local authority and would not be taken into the National Health Service .
7 Haselkorn has argued that the USSR has also established aerial staging networks which were used for the airlift of arms to Angola and Ethiopia in the 1970s and which are of paramount importance for Soviet access strategy in the Third World .
8 But the salination of 100,000 hectares of land has affected the fertility of adjoining holdings which were used for paddy farming , forcing thousands of poor farmers to sell or lease their ancestral land to shrimp industries .
9 The pope , as St Peter 's heir and bishop of Rome , needed episcopal orders — the highest orders of the Church which gave the bishop power to ordain priests , confirm members of the Church and bless the holy oils which were used for ordinations and for the sick .
10 Changed circumstances began to alter the criteria which were used for the selection and appointment of heads .
11 Most amphitheatres were very large and all important towns possessed their own which were used for displays of all kinds but particularly for gladiatorial combat and exhibitions .
12 Nor did they make any serious efforts to derive income from a huge fixed asset , which was used for only a few hours a week .
13 Prominent among these buildings is the hop-kiln , which was used for drying hops ( the main use for which is in beer , although they are also incorporated in other delicacies ) before they could be despatched to market .
14 In the shallow sloping terraced garden , with drystone retaining walls , there is a sunken circular garden with a seat all round it and a slate floor which was used for having tea in the shade on boiling afternoons .
15 There was a catch-phrase which was used for anyone who was grumbling — ‘ Do n't you know there 's a war on ? ’
16 The destination — as so often with this ship — was Honduras in Central America , quite a rich source of exports to England at the time , including the mahogany which was used for so much 19th-century furniture .
17 The main difference between the ‘ new ’ and the ‘ old ’ series is that the weights of the new are derived from trade flows in manufactured goods rather than trade in all goods based on 1977 trade flows , which was used for the old index .
18 Thereafter , possibly because the magazine began to appear more irregularly , Minton produced one further design , showing pages of manuscript fluttering down between buildings , and which was used for the next seven issues .
19 There was , as far as he could see , nothing that need be identified or admired or paused over : just bare grey rock sheering down to a narrow track which was used for the most part by packhorses and even then not often .
20 He avoided this problem by inventing and patenting in 1867 an entirely different type of multipolar machine , which was used for electro-deposition and arc lighting .
21 Hawkhill Recreation Ground which was used for recreational purposes as long ago as 17th century ;
22 However , compensation would only go to " those who suffered unusually under Nazi terror , for example , those who were used for medical experiments " .
23 One was used for city buses and the other for long-distance coaches .
24 They were used for stores he said , so there was no point in me looking .
25 They were used for a full ferreting season and instantly replaced the multiple-dig system .
26 They were used for both pulling carts and carrying loads .
27 They were used for unaimed shots , fired from the hip by men advancing in mass , while a British infantryman was trained to shoot from a prone position at a target .
28 They made employment for a workforce and were used in the work of other occupations ; but mainly they were used for recreation .
29 ‘ Ah , well , they made things better of course in the Thirties and these I found from a plaster house that closed down , they were used for Chanel 's stand at the Universelle Expo in 1937 , jolie , no ? ’
30 Another type of experiment involves the reconstruction of finds : experiments on stone tools , for example , have greatly increased knowledge about how they were used and what they were used for .
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