Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Someone in the audience has asked me to greet them the way the chimpanzees greet each other in the wild at Gombe , ’ Jane Goodall began .
2 ‘ If you would like me to forgive you the other half of your great debt , then fire the kiln tomorrow morning , well before dawn .
3 Ask them to write me a reference so I got form to fill in to send off for something but I 've got ta write something .
4 He instructed me to meet him the next day at the Turkman Gate , soon after dawn .
5 Get that splendid girl of yours to give me a date or two and I 'll see if we can fix something up fairly promptly . ’
6 You are good at expressing yourself , which stands you in good stead if you want to ask someone to do you a favour .
7 Simone rushed back into the house , dumping the bags on the kitchen table , calling out for someone to give her a hand .
8 They are looking for someone to give them a helping hand . ’
9 This should be enough to convince someone to give you a chance .
10 He needed someone to throw him a lifeline and I decided it might as well be me .
11 ‘ Maybe she waiting for someone to show her the town . ’
12 ‘ I will get someone to show you the way , ’ he added , reaching for the bell .
13 ‘ They are sending someone to show us the way . ’
14 He wanted someone to make him a prototype .
15 Hastily she sat down , and was relieved when the tall doctor took a seat safely distant from her own and reached to the table that separated them to pour her a long drink of the invitingly iced fruit juice .
16 But he could n't bring himself to give it a serious answer .
17 We are optimistic about the prospects of the scheme , and I hope that , in due course , the hon. Member for Hammersmith will be able to bring himself to give it an unqualified endorsement .
18 She looked at Gay , who was an only child too , but who had nobody to give her a good time , and then her glance travelled to Breeze , who had just admitted in her light-hearted fashion that she had no idea of what the future would hold for her .
19 The flowers of the garden mourned for Virginia Creeper , with nobody to restrain them the flowers had left their beds and were running riot .
20 Enraged that he should take it on himself to tell her the state of her own business , and bristling at the manner in which he spoke of her precious son , Esther said sharply , ‘ Whatever is or is not in the coffers is nothing whatsoever to do with you !
21 Would you like me to buy you a foot bath ?
22 I kept waving to Mike but he took no notice , and if I hang about here Otley will only ask me to fetch him a slice of ox and then I shall be sick .
23 One evening he said he 'd like me to fetch him the following morning , as he wanted to make some bread .
24 John asked me to help him the following year as I often came to Stamford to see my mother .
25 ‘ Mademoiselle Rossignol , it 's very kind of you to spare me a little of your time … ’
26 ‘ Look , it 's terribly kind of you to find me a place to stay , but you must let me give you the money .
27 So Roger Corman said to Jack Nicholson , ‘ I want you to write me a screenplay called The Trip , about this psychedelic craze and LSD , put someone on an acid trip .
28 Liz Taylor 's courage in playing a woman older and ( then ) fatter than herself in Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? ( 1966 ) was enough in itself to win her an Oscar .
29 ‘ I do n't want you to do me a favour . ’
30 ‘ We wish you to do us a service . ’
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