Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Taking the radical students ' ideals at face-value one might have expected them to see this incident as yet another example of oppression by a fascist regime and protest against it — after all , they protested enough when it used such methods against its own people .
2 The aim was to ensure that subjects had been fixating correctly by requiring them to report this digit immediately prior to recalling the stimulus .
3 Nor does it impress Freud to be told that religious propositions are ‘ as if ’ types of proposition , and that one should live ‘ as if ’ it were true that there were gods , or God , for there is nothing to lose this way .
4 Studies carried out in Hull , did nothing to confirm this prediction .
5 Do you want me to sew this back on for you babe ?
6 Cutbacks in the budget have done nothing to curb chronic overstaffing : any official above teaboy needs a full supporting cast .
7 The lower prices have had a dampening effect on innovative schemes to make better use of the natural resources consumed , and will do nothing to stimulate necessary investment by the generators on modernising their capacity .
8 Lobbying by pharmaceutical companies has already watered down a proposed directive which at first suggested forcing them to include detailed information on dosage and usage on advertisements .
9 Doctors can ask us all sorts of intimate questions and expect honest answers ; in return , we expect them to treat this knowledge confidentially and not to gossip about the state of our health .
10 ‘ When I saw death coming towards me I began to think it had been a bad business for me to kill that guy . ’
11 There were an awful lot of tedious hours for me to kill that evening .
12 There was , nevertheless , an element of truth in both these allegations , but Wigg was the wrong man against whom to hurl such invective and he launched a libel action .
13 This ingenious arrangement has two advantages : it scents the house with an acrid , invigorating smell of frying cloth recalling a tailor shop in the Bronx , and it permits me to tend two kerosene burners , a Franklin stove , and a fireplace .
14 Why I 've been , it will be ten months that 's all Rita , ten month it took me to lose six stone , you do n't want to lose that much do you ?
15 ‘ Clever of me to acquire such information , do n't you agree ? ’
16 They wanted me to wear this wig , a gross , thick , nylon thing like something out of the Nolan sisters .
17 He urged them to compare any sum they had in mind with damages that might be awarded for physical injuries that lasted a lifetime .
18 These accounts are also used to settle banks ' foreign exchange transactions and to enable them to conduct normal correspondent banking relationships ( see Chapter 3 , Foreign Exchange Market : Correspondent Banks ) .
19 In any case , there was not enough time left for me to go that way to look for him .
20 Do you know what it did to me to see that animal on top of you , about to … ? ’
21 ‘ To allow me to see that woman in the land .
22 The flat roof of our own house was high enough for me to see two summer screens for free .
23 But if it was so easy for me to see this evidence and to talk to those who had substantial proof of their ownership of homes in mandate Palestine , surely it would be no more difficult to go to Israel , find those same homes and — the idea had a special excitement about it — to knock on those same front doors .
24 ‘ Well , you shall have it as you wish , though it goes against the grain with me to see this fellow go free .
25 ‘ You want me to see this guy , sir ? ’
26 She has woven her spell and allowed me to see another world , another life , a life of the spirit .
27 I was surprised it had both a sunroof and air conditioning as they seem to me to cancel each other out .
28 Hoffmann J. declared that in each case the beneficial interest in the property was owned by the bankrupt and his wife in equal shares and he made orders for possession and sale but , after considering the circumstances of the two wives and their children and , in particular , that the half shares to which they would be entitled would be insufficient for them to acquire other accommodation in the area and the educational problems of the children , imposed a provision for postponement until the youngest child in each case attained the age of sixteen .
29 However , the standing of their occupations — the fact that a programmer or analyst is regarded as a " professional " in a way in which a typist or word processor operator is not , also makes it easier for them to acquire self-employed status .
30 At first neither Ceauşescu 's guards and officials nor the older professional participants in the display wanted to let the young woman take part , but she did nothing to banish any assumption that her surname indicated a relationship with the First Lady .
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