Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Various high-ranking people , ending up with the governor himself , turned up , asking them to go to bed , but they would n't go .
2 When Loc , with another worried glance in Jacques Devraux 's direction , insisted it was time for them to go to bed , Paul galloped across the clearing with little Hoc on his shoulders and dumped the boy squealing with laughter on his sleeping mat .
3 Most people were kept awake by Jon Wensley telling them to go to sleep .
4 They wash them , help them perform the intimate functions of relieving bladder and bowels , change dressings on wounds , give medicine , help them take their first steps after an operation , make beds , waken them up , tell them to go to sleep , close their eyes when they die .
5 Some of these girls whose families have come from rural areas in Azad Kashmir or Mirpur feel that their parents allow them to go to school only because in Britain it would be illegal for them to remain at home .
6 Native Danuese kids — if their parents wanted them to go to school at all , and they were mostly I P big shots — had to study the principles of the malai constitution , bow to the flag , learn the kitchen malay which was the official language throughout the malai islands .
7 He wanted them to go to college and learn to be businessmen .
8 ‘ Tell them to go to hell . ’
9 Darlington Labour candidate Alan Milburn ‘ Labour will bring lasting prosperity to Darlington and put people 's talents to use rather than allowing them to go to waste . ’
10 But in the country , low population density compels everyone to go to school together .
11 Nevertheless , she was unequivocally ambitious for her students , both men and women , and unfailingly encouraged them to proceed to Tutorial Classes .
12 He used to call for me to go to school , and that could be an eventful journey because the way led through the Sayers ' farm at West New Houses , and they kept a flock of geese and a bull .
13 He aimed for me to go to school but brass he could n't pay ,
14 Hard to explain the conflict in our acquaintance , but perhaps I had an instinctive feeling that she , in fact , wanted me to go to bed with her , and she knew I would n't — because if I did make love to her , it would be a victory for her and a defeat for me .
15 eyes on before and when it was time for me to go to bed I would be encouraged not made
16 Deep safe water was a dark royal blue , while over a coral reef the sea shaded to green or , when perilously shallow , to brown , and Thessy , peering ahead , would shout at me to go to port or starboard , or even to go backwards as fast as the motors would catch hold .
17 That 's because he do n't want me to go to work .
18 I think life is easier for me than it would be for a lot of working women because of the university creche , which enables me to go to work and sort of see my daughter at lunch time , that sort of thing .
19 How do you expect me to go to sleep after you 've told me something like that ?
20 ‘ I was at Queen Eleanor 's and they urged me to go to university , but I wanted to be independent , so I came into the Met . ’
21 If that 's what they want for me , Benny asked herself , why on God 's earth are they allowing me to go to university ?
22 The time came for me to go to university .
23 Allow me to go to perdition in my own fashion ! ’
24 ‘ I do not accept that David Trippier is supporting the action of the trade unions , or is asking me to go to arbitration , or expects that the management , having made a final offer , should move from that final offer . ’
25 Er , so you can say that er Mr is a friend of pensioner 's , he said , he said he would be prepared to , what I , I , I approached him and said er , what about Harlow Caring Council , are they prepared to assist the pensioners in any way or do they wish to join in on this , oh yes he said , of course Norman he said , how much are you paying er Ron I said well his asking forty pound for the , for the morning , oh he said I 'll go half way with that , then he came out and said to me , pull me up afterwards and ask me to go to leisure services about the Tuesday , and so I 'm still following that up and hopefully we will have two days on pensioner 's week , because you want to have as much impact as possible and in a few moments , when I nearly finished here , I shall be reading you something where you 'll see that it is important that we make an impact on the people of Harlow .
26 ‘ You wo n't get them to agree to virement .
27 Store soft cheese for a short while in the least cool part of the refrigerator — the salad try is ideal and allow them to come to room temperature for at least 30 minutes before serving .
28 One drawback of the Masters for married men , who want to see the last putt in , is that it requires them to creep to bed as if they were returning from a night club .
29 Oh , David 's father , he 's such an old stick nowadays , he wants everyone to jump to attention when he comes in the room .
30 Er clue , it helped me to come to school this morning .
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