Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She closed her eyes for a second , and then opened them to see a glimpse of concern on Guy Sterne 's dark face .
2 This hatred of Lloyd George on the part of both Baldwin and MacDonald made it very difficult for the Conservative or Labour Parties to contemplate either coalition with the Liberals , or even a tacit understanding with them to sustain a minority government ; and the politics of the 1920s can not therefore be understood without appreciating the widespread antagonism both to coalition and to Lloyd George personally .
3 Two final points : first , except to imply that , because the rights of ownership in joint stock companies are rarely used , they can be discounted , the chapter offers nothing to support a conclusion that the reduction or abrogation of those rights , such as the ‘ radical extension ’ of the unions ' role would require , would command general support , and second , it gives no guidance on the question whether that ‘ radical extension ’ would create genuine industrial democracy .
4 ‘ I believe I have two more years of top-class rugby in me and I want them to include a return to the England team . ’
5 ‘ Do n't be so fucking patronising , ’ she said , turning her back on me to continue a conversation with Geraldine Porter .
6 Cutting their pay will do nothing to induce a recovery .
7 But erm , yes , so I still do n't know what 's happening with that yet , and I 'm waiting also for them to confirm a date for this first sort of Do Business in France seminar , that we 're going to help them with , which was originally going to be February , and is now going to be March .
8 Please contact them to arrange a meeting if you so require .
9 He 's too dear to me for me to pretend a love I do n't feel . "
10 Alec Reid was wonderful — not only physically , carrying pans of hot water to the stove when necessary , but morally , in allowing me to treat a patient in such an unorthodox fashion .
11 Short , high-intensity bursts of neutrons will be produced 50 times a second by accelerating protons by potentials of up to 800 million volts , and steering them to hit a target of heavy material — uranium .
12 Yes will you give me to wear a tie ?
13 All those who made it possible for me to realize a lifetime 's ambition .
14 It reached its peak earlier this week when both Presidents set up rival command structures , forcing officers to choose whom to obey and from whom to risk a charge of mutiny .
15 GLC funding made it possible for them to conduct a research project into the lives of young lesbians and gays .
16 Which thought briefly led me to weave a vision or two .
17 When I was six my grandparents took me to see a film which I was told to observe closely because I would learn lessons about good behaviour and deportment from one of the juvenile characters .
18 He took me to see a man who had the whole story .
19 He was then involved in civil defence and he took me to see a trial designed to show that air-raid shelters built to government specifications were death-traps .
20 Lucy sent Silas a side glance as she said , ‘ When I first arrived you said it might be arranged for me to see a kiwi , but I 'll quite understand … ’
21 She sighed , wondering why the mere thought of it made her feel depressed , then she turned to Silas and said hastily , ‘ So there 's no need for you to worry about taking me to see a kiwi .
22 He wanted me to see a specialist in Harley Street , but I 'd heard so much about your clinic and Doctor Volkov , I said I wanted to consult her .
23 I 'm off home for the morning , but you 're wanted to come with me to see a VIP about a missing person .
24 Knowing that such disturbances can occur , why should consumers agree to a form of contract which , in such circumstances , forces them to acquire a quantity of goods at the agreed price which they consider sub-optimal ?
25 About 5,800 of the West Midlands force 's 7,000 drivers have undergone tough advanced driving courses allowing them to drive a car with a siren .
26 The weather has also been reasonably kind , so it 's a bit of both really — with the sun on my back it definitely helps me to perform a lot better . ’
27 I shall discuss with my right hon. Friend whether it would be right for me to arrange a debate next week , as the hon. Gentleman suggests .
28 ‘ It would beggar belief even more for me to attend a ladies ’ sewing circle , or a Bible reading for that matter , ’ she replied , hardly able to keep amusement out of her voice .
29 In 1952 I received a county grant , enabling me to attend a girls ' public school in the Home Counties .
30 and if lots of people wanted to study law , they 'd all bring them to like a lawyer , say
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