Example sentences of "[pron] [v-ing] into the " in BNC.

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1 Dr Livesey came out of the house in time to see me climbing into the stockade , and my friends welcomed me happily .
2 I had heard rumours that Jack the Ripper was about in the night , but that did n't stop me launching into the fog .
3 I also wondered — I was only seven — if the fire had anything to do with Alf Norris and I looking into the boiler room the day before !
4 A ruined dignity , the courage of someone staring into the abyss with ‘ nothing left to lose ’ .
5 It is undesirable because the patient is totally dependent on someone coming into the home from outside and of course it is extremely expensive in terms of nursing time .
6 someone coming into the house to allow them an afternoon or evening off ;
7 Her Memoirs ( 1810 ) mention the writing of fiction obliquely ( ‘ was I soaring into the airy regions of fiction , I would quickly change the theme ’ ) , but do not mention any of the novels ascribed to her .
8 ‘ Take her to the window , please , ’ he urged Mary , whispering as he heard someone striding into the hall which was adjacent .
9 ( The RSV seems clear enough when it speaks of them looking into the ark ( 6.19 ) , but the Hebrew will not really bear that sense , and would suggest they merely looked at it .
10 He had found himself looking into the infinitely complex growth of stem and grass and leaf and tendril and fine twig that covered the moor in a thick springy upholstery , but also beyond this , through and beside this , into clear darkness .
11 But instead of the greed-crazed madman he expected , he found himself looking into the round red face of a Sergeant of the Watch .
12 It was then he knew for certain that the oriental he had just shot was not the one from whom he had wanted to exact retribution for injuring Pam — because at the other end of the corridor he found himself looking into the glittering black eyes of his hated enemy , Angel One .
13 The Londoner found himself staring into the expressionless face of the tall and broad , blond-haired , blue-eyed bouncer .
14 Then the sun came through , and light brightened , and the standing dream that Wolski had seen seemed to drift away into memory and he found himself staring into the eyes of the old female golden eagle .
15 Lord Whitelaw , a figure from the past , alighted from a black Rover , and , turning towards France in order to return the salutations of the mob , found himself staring into the bloodshot eyes of Class War .
16 Not a beautiful picture of himself running into the sunset .
17 I 'd like to see what hard nosed er B A I E people would make of it you know people who are making a living from doing the same well you know when I employ somebody coming into the business this is what I want them to be able to do um this has always been of course an a criticism
18 Cool World also stars the ever-sulky , strongly quiffed Brad Pitt as Detective Frank Harris , who finds himself entering into the bizarre , mesmeric universe created by Deebs as a solace from his own troubled existence .
19 In general they hoped , too , for considerable control over such measures and were unkeen about their falling into the hands of state bureaucracy .
20 Rolling down the bank at an ever-increasing speed , Daniel was unable to prevent himself falling into the chill waters of the canal .
21 He tried , and felt himself falling into the tree , confused , unable to find a stance that did not give way into clutching twigs and flailing branches .
22 Christy O'Connor Jnr played on the second morning and Jose Maria Canizares in the afternoon and although they did n't give me any points I felt it was important that they got a chance to taste the atmosphere and feel a part of the proceedings , as I thought that it would help them going into the singles .
23 Behind me his body began to beat against the stern of the boat , and as I turned toward him I saw Rachel from the corner of my eye begin to clamber up from her seat and I called out to her to stay sitting and not to stand but she laughed lightly and tossed back her head and I felt Casey behind me clambering into the boat .
24 If you going into the , you know that shop .
25 So you know , I say things like oh I 'm going down to see Zoey now before dinner and like she 'll follow me down or something and I 'll say oh are you going into the saloon or like to try and get her to not come with me , then I feel so guilty I think well poor Marina , you know , she 's here in a foreign country , she has n't got any friends and she 's all by herself and I would n't like it if I was in her position
26 soon as you start talking about more than one judge , you you getting into the appeal court area , are n't you .
27 It saves you running into the living room .
28 ‘ Are you coming into the cabin or not ? ’
29 Twenty minutes later they were on their way , the three of them piling into the big black Mercedes and heading back to the railway station .
30 Handed in letter from my father stating that he had no other relatives in the area and because of his blindness and disability he would benefit from them moving into the area .
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