Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] go down " in BNC.

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1 I mean goes down , he 's goes Ahhh !
2 Well that 's what I that 's what I mean go down down Shallard 's Road here down
3 But when it rained , going down I mean going down it rained so much I thought we 'd never , never even going to get there .
4 And I intend to go down to London .
5 ‘ I like the freedom of being able to decide , tonight for example , whether I want to stay in the flat or whether I want to go down to Gloucestershire .
6 No , I want to go down there .
7 I want to go down see it .
8 I do n't want to go down the village , I want to go down the shops .
9 now if I want to go down to the sea front well I 'll shall get a taxi and , and sha n't be worrying where me next meals coming from because I 've saved it , so , so that 's , that 's no worry , I was saying to Arthur if we went to Butlins well it would take all we had , because it , we could n't go to Butlins under three hundred pounds for two of us , we could n't go anywhere else , if we go to Blackpool , our , our said to , to , to dad , I , I would like to pop to , er I do n't think we will do because , er , the hassle for your dad , but er , I 'd like to go and see aunty Annie , but I do n't want to go to Nelson to do it
10 I put going down to the English Centre and using the computer
11 I like to go down to the Albert Dock but I ca n't manage it very well without the scooter . ’
12 I like , I like to go down
13 now if I was to go there and back that 's eighty pence , I mean I could get , for , for that e extra eighty pence I could get a few things in there that are dearer but I mean I like going down the town anyway and just wander and go back but I do get a few more bits in there now than I did .
14 I remember going down to the bridge in Walsall and a sailor climbed the old clock and tied his collar around it and a soldier got up and put his hat on and an airman got up and put his tie with a red , white and blue rosette on it , around the arms of the old clock and people were loving and kissing everywhere , and oh it was really you had to be alive to appreciate it .
15 And I , I keep going down and I 'll turn it down , and then I 'll go out room and he turns it back up again .
16 Yes , Aunt Sarah , and since then I 've remembered my mother 's name , and the spell she put on me when I was a baby ; and I 've gone down to see her in her Castle under the sea …
17 I 've gone down to one egg in me freezer
18 yeah , that 's the core but it needs fleshing out more and a has agreed that you know it 's if you just stuck to the Editor 's Handbook it 's too narrow and it does need , I mean B A I E in London thus far are being extremely helpful if slightly cautious and I 've to go down and talk to the revamped education committee when the revamped education committee gets around to having a meeting
19 On occasion there is n't sufficient water available from the stream or the rainwater tub , and I have to go down to the reservoir , which I call the Mississippi , to rinse the washing .
20 I have to go down there . ’
21 Second , because I have to go down and sort out Deptford .
22 We 'll need another two or three days here , but I have to go down to the mortuary with the body .
23 Well I have to go down cos of the greenhouse
24 I know I have to go down the college tonight .
25 I du n no but I have to go down
26 The man who called himself Hope went down the sleepy cow-crossed and vagrant-strewn main street of Keswick with the speed and determination of the utterly resolved .
27 Is this how you want to go down in history ?
28 ‘ There are two sides to unemployment , on the one hand it can be a productive time as you start to question things and think harder about what road you want to go down .
29 You want to go down there .
30 Well not active , but you do go down to Portsmouth quite regularly do n't you ?
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