Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [vb pp] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And I put balanced it out across this , and I set my camera down er down below , on a time exposure which runs off in about one minute , so I had one minute to run up the side of the thing and get out here and balance myself .
2 I like given it up now .
3 If I get recognised it means the group are doing summat , but you know I can quite happily get through the day without getting recognised … ’
4 If I get recognised it means the group are doing summat , but you know I can quite happily get through the day without getting recognised … ’
5 that and then , you know like if I get inundated I can let Jim do some .
6 Then if I get caught I just get a caution and that 's it .
7 If I get married I will definitely give prostitutes up as I take marriage seriously and think it would be very insulting to a woman .
8 ‘ When I get married I 'm going to keep my name .
9 When I get married I 'll get a hat .
10 I haw seen you before , ’ said Zeinab .
11 Mummy I do , I do done me
12 And I think sent me on that course you know .
13 And here came ‘ Space Oddity ’ which was coinciding with men landing on the moon , which is what I think inspired him to write it , there is no question about it .
14 And that , er it was kind of and the garden was small cos we had it , a quite big garden and you know things like that , I think , and the travelling and everything I think got her down a bit , I know she sat down and had a cry , yeah .
15 and all she can think of to say is ( and here he mimicked a heavy filmstar accent which actually was nothing like the actress in the film at all , because the woman in the film is an ordinary , decent , hardworking woman ) , ‘ Oh dahlink , I 'ave missed you so much , ’ and then the first thing she does after waiting for him to come home for seven fucking years is to leave the fucking gas on while she 's making his coffee , and then of course she 's so tense that she just ca n't wait for a fag , she lights up , there you go ; bang .
16 ‘ Now — I 've decided we should do something special at the club . ’
17 I 've decided it 'll be me . ’
18 Secondly , I 've decided it 's time for one of my all too infrequent trips to Elland Road .
19 ‘ Perhaps I 've decided it can wait until tomorrow . ’
20 ‘ Well , with all the things we 've discussed , the way you 've made me see myself , I 've decided I should n't stick around here . ’
21 Looking back on it , I 've decided I must have been clear round the bend !
22 Dad said , and it must have cost him a lot to say so little after he 'd been put down by me , ‘ I 've decided I want to be with Eva . ’
23 I 've decided I must have schizoid tendencies .
24 ‘ Well , I 've decided I want to be a proper writer .
25 I 've decided I 'm not going to give another concert on my own until you start working again , ’ he said .
26 I 've decided I 've got to stop seeing you .
27 I 've decided I 'm not always going to follow you from now on . ’
28 ‘ Since I 've decided I prefer the poison to the antidotes . ’
29 I 've decided I 'd rather be back in my own country . ’
30 Yes , so I thought , I might erm , cos I bought a jumper , I bought a pale blue jumper to go with the flowery leggings , but , I 've decided I 'll take blue jumper back , cos , although it would be alright with plain white trousers I thought that 's all I would wear it with , I would n't wear it with anything else , so , I think I 'll change that , if I get the dark blue leggings like Jamie , then I 'll get the striped jumper the same .
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